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Game Crash on Hero Selection- PLEASE HELP!!

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Level 8
Apr 7, 2008
Ok so here is my Diablo 2 herowars. Its not the greates game ever, but I am damn proud of how the Heroes all turned out. Anyways now whenever someone picks a Hero the game crashes. Could someone please take a look at it?? Willing to let you steal my totally awesome Heroes if you help.
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Level 5
Jan 11, 2006
I found a way to fix it by changing multiple things in your map.

View attachment D2HeroWars.w3x

I also took the liberty of changing most of your imports file paths to the correct strings. I reccomend you find the DSTBTN's your missing, and use this to fill in the gaps. http://http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f278/how-import-icon-7287/ If you decide to change all of the file paths you will need to change all the set icons back to the new file path.

Ex. If you had your peasant's Icon set as war3imported\BTNPeasant and you changed the path to Imports\BTNPeasant with its DSTBTN as ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNPeasant You would need to switch the icon to Imports\BTNPeasant again, after the path change. If you understood that

I also reccomend you take heed of WE when it tells you you have epic JASS errors

Level 9
May 30, 2008
The problem is very simple. The game don't crash exactly but anyway, if this map or event half of the triggers are yours then you are enough expirienced to know from where your problem is (yes i fix it). But as fact that i take another person map and start working on it, i will accept the fact that everybody is begin from some where (even with dota is the same). The ccaracter of your problem is like i told (actions per second) let me make things clear for you. You have like 10 triggers that are triggered when a unit enters in region 16,18,19 and so on. You have to rework most of those triggers (i can do it for you but will take me like 1 or 2 days) and with the time you will learn to make your own triggers (avoid to make triggers like those in this map) use if/then/else when actions are more than 2 not or/or/or and so on. If you are read all the things that i write here you will be one step high in map making gl hf :thumbs_up:

Edit: and one more thing yes your icon paths are wrong but first fix your triggers after this work at icons
Edit2 : i chek your posts (i have nothing to do now i will go to sleep) and i see there is like 2-3 maps that u are editing (this won't help u to make somthing successfull)
Level 8
Apr 7, 2008
Hey thanks alot guys. Did I even have that knockback turned on? I dunno. I tried one with JASS and one with GUI and couldnt get either to work. By the way Valcrist is that that map there the one updated by you?
And onix_noob could you explain what you were talking about with the triggers. Couldnt really understand what you were saying there.

My maps: Im working on this now. I attempted a DBZ herolinewars b4. And my other is just a map with the Heroes from this one for people to steal from.
Level 1
Nov 28, 2008
Hey thanks alot guys. Did I even have that knockback turned on? I dunno. I tried one with JASS and one with GUI and couldnt get either to work. By the way Valcrist is that that map there the one updated by you?
And onix_noob could you explain what you were talking about with the triggers. Couldnt really understand what you were saying there.

My maps: Im working on this now. I attempted a DBZ herolinewars b4. And my other is just a map with the Heroes from this one for people to steal from.

yeah , and i have the same problem as you , and i think it will be good , we can have a try on it later,
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