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Furry Warriors Arena v1.6w

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Reactions: Flux
JaredVeatz presents:

Furry Warriors Arena ver.1.6 (Winter Edition!)


Here we go again Warriors!

Want an adorable war? Here you go! Compete with other players with this exciting arena map. Choose your side between the Rabbits and Raccoons, buy different items, build a unique skill set for a unique play-style, and lead your team to victory!
Here we go again Warriors!


Experience the coldness of clashing in this new version! There will be no hunters in this edition, but instead, we let bears to enter the arena! BEARS!!!

Build Guide

These items need to be properly arranged in the inventory in order to be crafted.

Crafted Power Staff:


Master's Guardian:


Gameplay & Features:

Before the war starts, the host will be asked to set the "goal score" and the "starting gold" first. The goal score is the total kills needed to reach by a team in order to win the game. You can buy items and skills to strengthen your unit. You can kill hunters or search for treasures for extra income. Build your own skill combos and dominate the war!

-There are power-ups spawning at the center of the arena. It may be useful in surviving clashes.
-Some crates and rocks contain treasures!

-This map has a basic AI system that can be played for solo. They are not that smart but they can buy items, skills, and can kill (of course!).





Change Log
Change Log
Change Log

*Version 0.1

    • Map's first release version!
*Version 0.2

    • Improved terrain (added some more doodads...)
    • Enhanced the skill usage of the AI
    • Fixed the deny message
    • Fixed some hot keys...
*Version 0.3

    • Made some little improvements to the AI
    • Tweaked some settings in the "Rain of Fire" skill
    • Fixed some common unit bugs
    • Fixed some trigger leaks
    • Added a new rune: "Rune of Natures Power"
    • New ability added: "Destructive Blow"
    • New item added: "Healing Wards"
*Version 0.4

    • Improved AI
    • Added some tip messages
    • Added some map info
    • Customized some game interfaces (eg. mini-map, attack damage logo, etc.)
*Version 0.4.1

    • Fixed some minor bugs
    • New ability added: "Chain Blade"
*Version 0.6

    • Fixed some minor bugs
    • Increased the movement speed of the units (for better gameplay)
    • Increased the projectile speed of the normal attack
    • New hostile unit: The "Hunters" (They are starving and they are coming for you!)
*Version 1.0

    • Fixed some scoring bugs
    • Increased the spawn time of Hunters
    • Increased the cd of the "Chain Blade" skill from 8 sec. to 12 sec.
*Version 1.1

    • Fixed a lot of bugs
    • Some abilities can now be upgraded to level 2 by purchasing twice!
    • New item shop: "Basic Skill Shop" (Basic skills can be purchased here!)
    • New ability added: "Healing Chain"
    • New gameplay: "ITEM CRAFTING SYSTEM" (You can now build items for your cute hero!)
*Version 1.2

    • Fixed some AI problems
    • New: Winter Environment!
    • Bears will dominate the arena! BEARS!!!
*Version 1.3

    • Fixed some item bugs
    • Reduced all the skill's gold cost (for cheaper and faster skill set building!)
    • Tweaked some skills for more balanced gameplay
*Version 1.4

    • Added more item drops from rocks
    • Added some doodads for more AWESOMENESS
*Version 1.5

    • You only need 1 boots to build Wild Gear
    • Reduced damage of the "Slow Poison" skill from 5 to 4/sec
    • Changed position of some objects in the map
    • Added a Hero Glow Effect (beta)
*Version 1.6

  • New ability added: "Burst Fire"
  • New item added: "Master's Guardian"
  • New item added: "Crafted Power Staff"
  • Changed the "Ancient Skill Shop" position for easy access
  • Fixed some terrain issues
  • You can now SET the starting gold for every players!
  • Fixed some item mistakes
  • Changed some icons for better looks
  • Made some balance improvements

Author's Notes:

Thank you for downloading this map! Don't forget to rate! If you have any suggestions, problems, or just a short letter for me, please leave a comment below or e-mail me at [email protected].
FWA, furry, warriors, arena, rabbit, raccoon, skill, arena, fun, exciting, adorable, kill, small

Furry Warriors Arena v1.6w (Map)

16:36, 17th Jun 2015 A better terrain, enjoyable skills, good AI and quite good items make the map approvable. The concept itself of the game is funny and the gameplay provides some entertainment. The game is neither slow-paced nor fast-paced so it...

Which of these primary skills do you tend to buy first?

  • Ultimate Throw

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Healing Chain

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Burst Fire

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters




16:36, 17th Jun 2015
A better terrain, enjoyable skills, good AI and quite good items make the map approvable. The concept itself of the game is funny and the gameplay provides some entertainment. The game is neither slow-paced nor fast-paced so it suits the tastes of all people. Good job on this, I'm approving it with a rating of 3/5.

09:17, 31st May 2015
Shadow Fury: Map set to needs fix with a rating of 2/5. To be brief, you need to make your terrain more attractive, improve your skills with more original and unique ones plus adding more custom items.
That's all, I wish you good luck.
Still needs fix...
Level 4
Feb 9, 2014
funny idea, I will try this map out!

I tried the map one on one, it was quite fun. But I think that you may add some more abilities early ingame to make it less repetitive where you only use w and autoshoot.
I think that map can be improved but at the state it is can be enjoyable. Therefore I give it 3/5.

I don't really have any great tips on what abilites to add. But if you come up with some more fun ideas for spells and improve the terrain(It was decent enough already for this type of map, but I still think you can make it look better) I think the map can get higher rating.

Last edited:
Level 4
Mar 17, 2015

funny idea, I will try this map out!

I tried the map one on one, it was quite fun. But I think that you may add some more abilities early ingame to make it less repetitive where you only use w and autoshoot.
I think that map can be improved but at the state it is can be enjoyable. Therefore I give it 3/5.

I don't really have any great tips on what abilites to add. But if you come up with some more fun ideas for spells and improve the terrain(It was decent enough already for this type of map, but I still think you can make it look better) I think the map can get higher rating.


Thanks for downloading and rating FWA!!! This is the first complete version of the map and there is a lot of updates to come (e.g. AI and gameplay improvements, new items, more custom abilities etc.). I'm hoping that this map will be aproved... :wink::fp::grin:
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013

The terrain was too cheap. Although the tiles have been used quite efficiently, every single part of the map was flat, even the forest areas. Why not using some raisings and lowerings? They improve the appearance of your terrain and create strategic places for battle (raisings are advantageous, lowerings are disadvantageous). Saying a word about the tiles, you may consider using different ones in the centre. The tiles used at the center of the map do not look really attractive. In addition, the usage of doodads can be much better than it is now. Currently, I just see trees and trees with few signs of other doodads. What about some environmental doodads like shurbs and flowers? They'll surely improve the appearance of the forests. In the shallow water areas, I'd recommend using things like cattails, river rushes, rocks and such. For the central zone, I'd suggest adding to the borders some doodads which show that it's actually a clash point. Things like skulls and corpses indicate that "clashes" have occured so I'd recommend adding some of these doodads.


Let's say that the idea of the map was adorable. Rabbits vs Raccoons is very unusual yet very unique and original. Despite that, I have lots of remarks about your gameplay. I played a 6 vs 6, 1 + 5 Easy AIs vs 6 Insane AIs. I must admit I didn't find the gameplay thrilling for a couple of reasons. First of all, in the very beginning, you just attack and spam the Ultimate Throw skill (sadly which the AI almost never uses). It got repetitive pretty rapidly and that's not a good feature of your game. You had to order the AI to use manually Ultimate Throw in cases like an enemy unit escaping with low HP or a massive number of enemies nearby each other. Besides, I had a look at the skills but they were not something really great or distinguished. All skills (except Vortex Slam) were clear copy pastes of old skills. That's not something which brings originality or innovativity to your map. Even the items were not so decent; you didn't really exert plenty of efforts. There are too few items, some even have the same icon. Others are just copy pastes and there are no items for boosting armor.


Here I found several issues. The easiest one to solve is the hotkey of Grind Spikes. According to the tooltip, it should be G but, in reality, it's F. Fix that. Secondly and very important, there are no commands for leave game. If a player leaves the game during multiplayer games, nobody can know that and his hero remains uncommanded instead of getting removed. Thirdly amd most essential, your triggers are full of leaks. All the special effects you've applied have not been destroyed. All locations (Center of Playable Map Area), (Position of Unit) were not destroyed as well. This can cause some lag in late game (like if there are 200 kills as goal) I suggest you read this tutorial to help you out fixing those irritating leaks.


In conclusion, the map cannot be approved because it requires serious improvements. I will give it 2/5 and set this to needs fix.
Level 4
Mar 17, 2015
Ok! Oh, Wait!

"The terrain was too cheap. Although the tiles have been used quite efficiently, every single part of the map was flat, even the forest areas. Why not using some raisings and lowerings? They improve the appearance of your terrain and create strategic places for battle (raisings are advantageous, lowerings are disadvantageous)."

"Let's say that the idea of the map was adorable. Rabbits vs Raccoons is very unusual yet very unique and original. Despite that, I have lots of remarks about your gameplay. I played a 6 vs 6, 1 + 5 Easy AIs vs 6 Insane AIs. I must admit I didn't find the gameplay thrilling for a couple of reasons. First of all, in the very beginning, you just attack and spam the Ultimate Throw skill (sadly which the AI almost never uses). It got repetitive pretty rapidly and that's not a good feature of your game. You had to order the AI to use manually Ultimate Throw in cases like an enemy unit escaping with low HP or a massive number of enemies nearby each other."

"Even the items were not so decent; you didn't really exert plenty of efforts. There are too few items, some even have the same icon. Others are just copy pastes and there are no items for boosting armor."

The AI of this map is not its main feature(I just added it for extra and also for testing some other stuffs) and I'm not planning to add armor things in this map, like the skills dont really need mana to be casted.... I want people to recognize this as a player-to-player arena map, not as a player-to-bot map. Also it seems difficult and messy to add extra height to a part of the map because of its size, but I will do my best to improve the terrain!

Oh! And that item that seems to be a copy-paste of another, is a second version because it gives greater stats and has greater cost than the previous...

"I want F.W.A to be simple and small as possible(without lots of extra things like massive set of features, big and intense terrain, big pack of imported files etc.) but yet functional and exciting. And thats what I want to achieve for this map."

By the way, thanks for the tips and suggestions! :wink::thumbs_up:




Unofficial Review F.W.A ver.0.2

Visuals - Aesthetics and Ambience

Furry Warriors Arena offers average design and terrain reminding the Blizzard melee map style.

Being very simple, the focus lies clearly on the gameplay.
Overall, you could add some scaling, make some bushes bigger, add some natural stones, give some variations of trees instead of massing them.

The terrain, offering a forest-like terrain, matches the heroes of the map, racoons and rabbits.
Playing the game genre, I do not expect it to have advanced terrain.


The game starts, an owl flies away and you get your hero, a rabbit or a racoon, depending on the team.
I was surprised due to the simplicity the hero offers. A simple auto-attack and a not aiming bolt like spell.
A very basic hero with small opportunities at the beginning.

Playing some time with A.I., it was a very steady game. The A.I. seems not very intelligent, using hardly runes or if they do, in cases they are under attack, a moment where they should rather deal damage to kill the enemy instead getting killed because they run away hoping to reach a far away little health rune.

The abilities one could buy at the shops are interesting, tho not very unique. Nonetheless, they offer each player to customize their heroes and to develop strategies for ability build.

Basically, Furry Warriors Arena offers simple arena gameplay with no great tension at the moment.
Tho, I have to say, this map is a base for being developed further.

Bugs, Needs Fix, Glitches, Other things, ...

  • Highlight the damage of abilities, for example, make the damage value in the tooltip of Ultimate Throw coloured.
  • The hero can attack the enemy 'Spawner' circle of power, you should probably make it invulnerable to not cause confusion.
  • If I cast 'Ultimate Throw' on a very long distance ( like 1200+ range), it sometimes expires when reaching the aimed point instead of continue flying. You could make it more clear how far it flies, in what range it can be casted on, ...
  • The bottom ability shop is accessible from the water area under the cliff. I don't mind as a player, but it seems illogical and unfair
  • the middle tiles look very random, I suggest to remove the ones leading out of the middle area and replace them with a natural tile
  • The hidden paths, in the bottom left and right top corner are not accessible, as the trees pathing block the way ( in case these hidden paths are intended to be accessible, what it looks like). To avoid having to try and to try, I suggest you to create a custom tree out of the existing one, to remove the pathing and create the pathing with pathing blockers.


You could think about this point: In arena maps, it is more challenging if you create not aiming spells so the player has to focus and shoot himself, like you already did with the 'Ultimate Throw' ability. You could greatly extend this to many other abilities, like the Storm Bolt, for example, maybe as well as the auto attack ( making it non-aiming, but like the shockwave, so players can avoid the attacks)

The items are very simple at the moment, you could think about adding a crafting system, which makes the whole map more complicated, or add more item variations.


Furry Warriors Arena is a simple hero arena game that offers not many features at the moment.
Tho, I would like to say that it has potential.

I vote for Awaiting Update
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 3
Oct 28, 2014
I've played your game again, but this time the latest version (v1.1). It was good adding the hunters in the game. But minor details, if you could just change the hunter's weapon type to "missile". They were able to damage/hit me instantly when they attack. By the way I LOVE THE NEW ABILITY! I'm gonna use it forever.
Level 4
Mar 17, 2015
I've played your game again, but this time the latest version (v1.1). It was good adding the hunters in the game. But minor details, if you could just change the hunter's weapon type to "missile". They were able to damage/hit me instantly when they attack. By the way I LOVE THE NEW ABILITY! I'm gonna use it forever.

The hunters spawn early in the arena (every 1 minute) and it will be hard for you to kill them since you don't have enough items and skills from the start, that's why I made them melee.

By the way, thanks for your suggestion. I will make this map better. Have a nice day!

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

I dont know why this game receives low rates? It was entertaining and really cool! It gets a 4/5 rate. Good job! :)