CNP from Wow wiki
# Voiced by Matthew Yang King.
# Something between Night Elf and Demon, or a combination thereof.
# Twin Brother of Malfurion Stormrage.
# In love, and formerly obsessed, with Tyrande Whisperwind
# Practiced Highborne magic.
# Was influenced by Xavius, the first of the Satyr and servant to Sargeras (WA)
# Looted the Blades of Azzinoth from the Doomguard Azzinoth
# Created new Well of Eternity from the "water" of old Well.
# Imprisoned for creating new Well of Eternity, in addition to other crimes (depending on the timeline).
# Referred to as the "Betrayer" for his acts against the night elf people.
# Remained locked away for over ten thousand years
# Maiev Shadowsong given duty of being his Warden, to make sure he didn't escape.
# Tyrande set him free to help them with the Burning Legion.
# Consumed the Skull of Gul'dan and took on Demonic powers and features.
# Given the task of destroying the Lich King by Kil'jaeden.
# Contacted the Naga, and re-established his favor with Queen Azshara.
# Helped Blood Elves find new source of magic power.
# Defeated by Arthas when he tried to attack the Frozen Throne.
# Fled back to Outland.
# Is ruler of his own forces (Naga, Blood Elves, Draenei, and a few Satyr) and the remnants of Magtheridon's army
# Rumored to be the hardest boss in the Burning Crusade expansion
# Resides in the Black Temple in Outland.