Forcing Race Change

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Simple scenario.

I want to only use two races. Currently I simply have set player values so you can't change your race, which means some people might not get the race they want.

What I would like to happen is this:

Player chooses NE in lobby, spawns human starting units ingame without a prompt screen or anything. Now I can easily do this with "unit enters map, replace unit," but that won't make the sounds be race specific - meaning the "need more gold, under attack, building complete, etc."

Is it possible to accomplish that?
Level 3
Feb 23, 2010
if you random in the lobby then i dont think its possible, but you can change all the gui setting to make orc identical to NE or human identical to UD, then just make the starting units with a trigger. Dont get me wrong, its a lot of work, but i think that would be the only way to do it.
Level 3
Feb 23, 2010
Man i really dont know then, if you access the map archive, you may be able to disable some races, but it would be super advanced stuff and i really have no idea how you would do it, but im sure it can be done.
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