[First Human Book] What chapters you find interesting?

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Well, for me I found chapter 11 and chapter 4 and 5 to be interesting. I kind of having a distaste for the 5th due to the sheer difficulty of the chapter, else it would be very great.

The 4th chapter is kind of the first chapter you make actual choice (I know, you can ignore the little base on chapter 3, but that's not what I meant). I refer to dialog based choices.

Chapter 11 in older version was pretty fun with all the chaos. The newer one is also nice, though kind of lost the massacre feels in some way thanks to no player base.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
I find chapter 2 interesting although it being one of the simpler ones due to that emissary, which can sometimes raise your heartbeat if it gets too close to escaping.
Chapter 5 is also cool although hard. I did one of the most cheesy things in that chapter. I always attacked with elites and some other troops to suppport them. They were literally in every attack and i managed to keep them alive through the whole chapter. Yeah, people complain that you get no heavy troops, so they should certainly consider using this tactic. :p
Chapter 8 is also cool. The Gardon choice, that is. You get to fight a guy that is one of Aridon's servants and let's not forget the ''mastermind'' behind the failed plot to make us ragequit. It's our boy... no, sorry not you Shar, it's Raszar, mainly because i found him and his boasting interesting and his difficulty was perfect, neither too easy or too hard.
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
My thoughts:

I think that on chapter 3 the base guarding Aedale's prison is too large. The mission itself is somewhat easy, though the number of foes we have to face is absolutely tremendous...

In Chapter 5 choosing Gardon is of course the best choice as the others are not very helpful. Though I am surprised they don't come to our aid even though there are rebels and demons on the doorstep!

I like Chapter 6 mostly because it introduces my favorite character Rahandir :D

Chapter 7 is interesting since we have naval fight, something that doesn't appear very often on campaigns.

The main problems with Chapter 9 is that we have to defend our base from three sides and our base is too close to our ally. Sometimes my ally had its path blocked because of my buildings
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
Chapter 7 is interesting since we have naval fight, something that doesn't appear very often on campaigns.
I would make use of that much more, actually, if Blizzard hadn't decided to mostly disable AI
from naval combat.
As you can see in some chapters, I managed to work around that somehow, but transport ships
do not work with AI while air transport does.
I would make use of that much more, actually, if Blizzard hadn't decided to mostly disable AI
from naval combat.
As you can see in some chapters, I managed to work around that somehow, but transport ships
do not work with AI while air transport does.
Unless one write a lot of code for the mechanic, would rather not waste much energy on those transports. I do like to see if they will get another appearance in any of the second book.
Level 3
Mar 29, 2009
I mainly enjoy Arkain for the massive melee-esque battles. Unlike the other books the first Human book has a different feel to it, with the missions being more straight forward for instance.

That being said I enjoyed Chapter 5 due to the massive difficulty spike that becomes characteristic of Arkain.
Level 11
Mar 9, 2017
I liked chapter 5 aswell, I just liked the design of the mission, how you have to make your way to the top of the map and destroy the traitor's base, also this mission gave me quite some trouble, but I managed to figure out a good strategy, also you have to make sure that salana gets all the best items from all the previous missions, this made things much easier
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
I liked chapter 5 aswell, I just liked the design of the mission, how you have to make your way to the top of the map and destroy the traitor's base, also this mission gave me quite some trouble, but I managed to figure out a good strategy, also you have to make sure that salana gets all the best items from all the previous missions, this made things much easier

Really? I find it amusingly easy. Just give it a full squad of spellstealers. Some healing and archers to shoot down those annoying walkyrie and its game over. What is hard is to keep Lera in check. Not to leave her alone but not to wipe her out either.
Level 1
Feb 10, 2019
Without a doubt, the best mission of the entire first book is the ninth one - "Green Wave".

Firstly, it adds this nice felling of usefulness for dwarves and elves, as they aren't some "allies that help the humans", but they on their own have their strength, and can deal with some hard problems ON THEIR OWN, without those smelly humans. It feels nice to control brand new race, dwarves, with their own units, and new models (just for this one mission!) so the player feels some fresh difference. Also, it's giving the feel that the world is alive, because we are not only dealing with the problems that our "main" character is having trouble with (Blen, because he is somehow a main character of this book), but there are stuff happening outside of the "main" story, with different people having their own battles. Also the design that our bases are connected with eachother and are one, big base is really cool.

Secondly, by gameplay, it's (at least for me) the hardest mission of this book (I played it on hard, too), and it makes sense with the story WHY it's so hard - as was explained at the end of it, you were facing five (I think?) orc clans at the same time, and it's not like they attack one after another, but sometimes they attack simultaneously, which makes it really hard to comprehend what is happening, especially with the one clan attacking you by air.
Also, what is adding a nice feel for the mission is that the clans are not attacking with the same boring, units, but every each one of them have some special units, that other clans do not. Blue attacks with Hero (Ralf, because "Dwarves and Elves? They are weaklings, get some humans in here!"), red with champions, purple with shamans, green with air units, yellow with raiders (although I think he shares them with dark green, if I'm not wrong?). It adds a nice feel that you are not facing five identical clans, but five different clans, that specialize on other units than everyone else. Red is strong, so they have the strongest orcish units - champions; purple mains magic, so they have shamans, etc.
So, yeah, I really like this mission. Also because I feel this entire book is filled with not really interesting ones, except this one, in comparison to the orc first book and undead first book.
Level 1
Aug 17, 2020
Im currently on mision 5, i like the mechanic of the elves, but im the only one that found a way to cheese the mision by making a full walkire army and have only a few ground units and priests to defend the bases while sniping towers, production, doomguards and heros heros with the walkires, just set up towers for air atacks and you can do all the mision mision by just flying arround sniping production so you dont have to kill lera base
Im currently on mision 5, i like the mechanic of the elves, but im the only one that found a way to cheese the mision by making a full walkire army and have only a few ground units and priests to defend the bases while sniping towers, production, doomguards and heros heros with the walkires, just set up towers for air atacks and you can do all the mision mision by just flying arround sniping production so you dont have to kill lera base
Please don't patch hahaha @Shar Dundred
Level 8
Jul 28, 2019
Chapter 5 of the first human book seemed perfect to me, the jump in difficulty is enormous, but still it is not much fun, in the first place I quite like this "Buy an ally", although I would have liked a little variety (for example, one that makes quite a few archers and swordsmen, another that has the priests and spell removers , and the last one that has sorceresses and valkyries) because at this point the only option is Gardon, the others seem to be alone in case one wants a superior challenge, I also like Lera very much, so I thought it would be someone of great importance later (in the end I was left thinking of Gardon x Salana, and Lera in the Karshin if I lived , or in the splendid nexus if I died), although I did not like its end a little, but according to my humble opinion, they despised this character a little (Largot proved it more than once XD). My strategy for this long mission was to keep the elites alive (only defense, because it is very risky to attack with them at first, when you have a 90% chance to lose all your army before destroying a tower), spamming spell removers, valkyries and sorceresses (Of course, with a few ballistics), that Salana gets the best items from previous missions (until he steals the objects Gardon has) , filling Gardon with spheres of fire (that +30 damage is glorious at the end of the count... but it takes a long time to run) and then the rest... you know, routine (know how and where to attack, support Gardon's elites and impale Larantos finally, impal Lera too if you're not interested in the girl).
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