Hey, I've set this trigger up using a integer loop to destroy a large area. Ive yet to have add damage, but I've run into a snag. Since there is no no SFX Group variable type, I'm having to use an array. However, when I try to delete the array using a seperate loop, it fails. Any ideas?
- Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
- Destruction Equal to (Ability being cast)
- Wait 0.20 seconds
- Set DestructionPoints[1] = ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by 0.00 towards 0.00 degrees)
- Set DestructionPoints[2] = ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by 256.00 towards 270.00 degrees)
- Set DestructionPoints[3] = ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by 256.00 towards 90.00 degrees)
- Set DestructionPoints[4] = ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by 256.00 towards 180.00 degrees)
- Set DestructionPoints[5] = ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by 256.00 towards 0.00 degrees)
- Set DestructionPoints[7] = ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by 256.00 towards 45.00 degrees)
- Set DestructionPoints[8] = ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by 256.00 towards 135.00 degrees)
- Set DestructionPoints[9] = ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by 256.00 towards 315.00 degrees)
- Set DestructionPoints[6] = ((Target point of ability being cast) offset by 256.00 towards 225.00 degrees)
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Set DestructionBase = (DestructionBase - DestructionMinus)
- Special Effect - Create a special effect at DestructionPoints[DestructionBase] using Objects\Spawnmodels\NightElf\NEDeathMedium\NEDeath.mdl
- Set SpecialEffect[DestructionBase] = (Last created special effect)
Loop - Actions
- Set DestructionBase = 11
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Special Effect - Destroy SpecialEffect[(DestructionBase - DestructionMinus)]
Loop - Actions
- Set DestructionBase = 11