• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Evil Knight

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Level 11
Aug 3, 2004
You... don't seem to understand...

First off, you need to do more than throw a sword on a model and expect it to be amazing. Doubly so if it isn't even a sword you made or refigured. Second, you pick the worst models to give these stupid swords to. The villager and the bloodmage have animations much more suited for punching or throwing spells. No swords. And the other bits of models you throw on seem to be random and with no purpose. A completely un-matching helmet or a shoulderpad through the face doesn't do anything to cover up the crappiness.
Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
Dude..this model is just plain stupid 2
A random cape, Frostmourne and a Spellbreaker helmet?
No you have to actually have something your thinking about making
And do it in a style that matches every part of the model
You don't see any WC3 or TFT models that look like your stuff
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
what amuses me is that you can't even think for a second and may i suggest to shutup and lets face it, my model is not crap (but is not that great still not crap) and you just suck at viewing things as well it doesn't describe me because you don't know me so hah.

You're right, your model is not crap. All of them are crap. Your standards must be horribly low to think otherwise
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