Eomer Model

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Level 4
Jan 15, 2008
Well what i'm making is a new LotR map called Northern Realms of Middle-Earth and what happens is in 10 minutes Mordor comes as reinforcments for the evil team and Rohan comes for the good, now in The Two Towers movie Eomer is banished and they ride North and they ride through my map to get to Helms deep. All i need is an Eomer model and i've done me map :D
Could i also request a Rohirrim model please? would be really appreciated
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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Frank is right, as usual. All you've told us is about this crazy map idea you have. Millions of people have ideas for maps, but like 0.001% of them get made, so there's no point going through the massive workload involved just to make you some damned model on a project that no one has ever heard of, nor has any progress ever been shown.
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