Elementarcraft v.0.28

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Hallo my friends. This is my first map i uploaded here. Its a innovated RTS. Every Unit has triggered Abilitys and much of them based on the elements of the Map like Water, Trees, Portals and in the Future Gras. Thats will not the final version, so the Map will become new Races, Races will become new Units and the Units will become new abilitys.

-3 Races
-1 Magic Altar
-23 fantastic Units used by Player
-4 nice Units used by Creeps
-Support AI
-Costum Damagesystem
-Over 30 costum abilitys

Models by
-Deep One by Pyramidhe@d
-MorlocGreenWorker Icon by 67chrome
-Lightning Bolt Icon by -Berzeker-
-ThunderRoll icon by -Berz-
-Goggles icon by CRAZYRUSSIAN

Send Feedback, Bugreport, new Ideas and Replays(For balanced Gameplay) to [email protected] Please!

Or of course here!

Im Happy for your Feedback

Elementar, Craft, Epic, Unit, RTS

Elementarcraft v.0.28 (Map)

13:39, 9th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected
Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
Quote from Map Description:
When i become good feedback i will make a english version.

That's not gonna happen. This is an English website. Uploading a non-English map is only gonna give you negative feedback since most of us here (like me) don't know nowhere near enough German to understand a Warcraft III map that's almost fully in German. I also think it's a bad idea when people make maps mixed languages, as that can turn out to be confusing for some people.

Not making a map in English is breaking the rules here on the Hive. The map must be in complete English That's kinda sad because this map has one of the better looking map descriptions I've seen in the Pending section so far, aside from the ones that have been here for awhile. :D

And also, you may edit this map's description by pushing the "Update" button, instead of:

I must correct me. Its just over 30 costum abilitys
Level 7
May 29, 2011
Ah ok, i think thats will be ok, becouz i have see here a france map, so i will see what i can do. Thank you for this info. Maybe it needs time to update it in english version.

BTW thats is the same, when im are one of the people, who write nothing about the Spells and Units at the icons.:vw_sad:
Level 7
May 29, 2011

Why this map "rejected"?
I dont understand anythink. :goblin_cry:

And what do you mean with passive icons kobas?

Becouse this you give me 1/5 or what?

And what is with the Ideas, the Units????

I dont understand your reply.

What do you want to unreject this map?
Level 7
May 29, 2011
You are true... its unfinished
Thats will not the final version
The icons are really the unimportent thinks to edit.

But its that the reason to make this map rejected, not pending?
I need feedback for my work(to encourage me), so i have upload the map here, becouz i think, i become that at this website.

Well, i work on it.

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