So I've been using global variables for Dialogs / Dialog buttons for a long time, but I wanted to move away from this and simply use a struct housing the needed elements for simplicity.
My struct:
I have the struct saved to a player ID in a hashtable, shortly after game initialization, and am trying to recall the struct from the ID of the player after they click a button on the dialog. This way I can do:
To easily figure out what was pressed. The problem, however, is that the function attached to the dialog isn't running, regardless of which button is pressed.
S is a different struct type, whose data members function just fine, and yet is loaded in the same manner, so I am confused as to why just the dialog doesn't work.
EDIT: I have solved my problem, thank you.
My struct:
struct dialogdat
dialog Diag = DialogCreate()
button array Buttons[12]
I have the struct saved to a player ID in a hashtable, shortly after game initialization, and am trying to recall the struct from the ID of the player after they click a button on the dialog. This way I can do:
exitwhen(clicked == D.Buttons[i])
set i = i + 1
To easily figure out what was pressed. The problem, however, is that the function attached to the dialog isn't running, regardless of which button is pressed.
function blah takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
local integer pID = GetConvertedPlayerId(p)
local button clicked = GetClickedButton()
local integer i = 0
local trigger allocate = CreateTrigger()
local dialogdat D = LoadInteger(udg_Hash, StringHashBJ("diag"), GetHandleId(p))
local playerdat S = LoadInteger(udg_Hash, StringHashBJ("heroinfo"), GetHandleId(p))
call DialogClear(D.Diag)
call DialogSetMessage(D.Diag, "yo:")
exitwhen(i > S.NumMemSkills - 1)
set D.Buttons[i] = DialogAddButton(D.Diag, GetObjectName(S.MemSkillID[i]), i)
set i = i + 1
call DialogDisplay(p, D.Diag, true)
call TriggerAddAction(allocate, function blah2)
call TriggerRegisterDialogEvent(allocate, D.Diag)
S is a different struct type, whose data members function just fine, and yet is loaded in the same manner, so I am confused as to why just the dialog doesn't work.
EDIT: I have solved my problem, thank you.
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