Detecting Research Queue

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Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
I searched around, but could not find an answer to this problem.

I'm trying to have a trigger catch/detect when a research is queued, so the obvious event was "Unit is issued an order without a target." However, the condition I'm using "(Issued Order) Equal To (Order(id))," where id is the raw data code of the tech I'm researching, doesn't seem to be working. I've also tried substituting id for the actual name for the tech. Neither work. Help is appreciated!
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
Try this:

  • Research
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins research
    • Conditions
      • (Researched tech-type) Equal to <Your Research>
    • Actions
      • -------- Your Actions --------
Works fine for me.

Are you sure? Because I don't think that catches the queue action. You know how you can queue up to 7 researches in a structure at once? Only the one currently researching is the one that gets caught by "A unit Begins research." I was already using that trigger before, but it didn't work. Thanks anyway.
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
So you want to detect a research in queue? Not the one currently being researched?
I'm afraid that GUI doesn't support that. You might find some help JASS. Don't know, never JASSed.

Yes, I want to detect when you queue it. I know you can do this for when you queue a unit to train as an order, but to my knowledge, I can't even find how to do this in JASS. I don't care if the solution is either JASS or GUI.

However, I'm likely to just make one dummy unit per research (since all these researches for this structure are single-upgrade types) and just have it catch queueing specific unit types, and then removing the dummy and increasing research level via trigger.
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