Death knight conquest

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Level 1
Aug 19, 2008
Ok, I am planing to make a small campaign for sometime now I allready done some maps and if I try to do something like this it shoud go with min problems. Here is the idea. You start as Death Knight (I will try to find a model for him, if I dont find better one I will use the one I finded on this site, and he is great to, I just dont like the wepon:thumbs_up:) Lich King gives you a simple quest at begining (destroying some basic life form) :xxd:... Then you earn lich kings favour and get some harder quests, and finaly you have to destroy all life in azeroth, I will think of the way how to do that :xxd:, aparnetly one death knight shoud be able to do it.. :eekani:.. You will have 25 lvls, maybe more, but I dont think so... Spells would be of this typs:
1 - health steal
2 - ice dmg over time
3 - aura of something (dunno what kind of aura would fit death...)
4 - summoning
5 - AOE dmg spell
6 - attribute bonus

This is the idea for now... If you have any questions pls ask, same for advices I acept everything... Tell me your opinion on this little project..

AND DON'T FORGET: This is just a basic idea... Will update in future about whats going on, if I ever start it I will at least upload 1st lvl!

If I hook up on this I will probably need some models.. mostly icy looking mobs that allready exist... also i will need icy and death looking building like altar, main building and main warrior producing building.. I will try to add up as much new stuff I can...

Pls post a comment on this, anything is welcomed...
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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
death knight is such a wide class, you can make smth like skill trees, or at least use Spellbook to house more spells... it pains me to see a Death Knight with so few abilities =)
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
I agree with Trillium, you shouldn't just stick with the WoW style death knight. you could also make different style units for the death knight, like 1 for strght, agi and int.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
yeah, that would be cool.
so he has three diffrent skilltrees, called mortal kombat, deathly arts, and unholy power. based on, in order, str, agi, and int.
that would be awesome, really.
Level 1
Aug 19, 2008
This is just a basic idea, I will try to make the best abilitis I can.. Idk how to make skill trees, or spellbook. I realy just returned to warcraft RTS and world editor, so pls update me with links on this metter. I hope to see more of this in future.. I would only ask for more story advices.. Couse dunno what he shoud do in mean time before destroying the world... I am already half done with intro cinematic of how he became the death knight, but when I post it, pls tell me what shoud I fix, change, maybe add up a story line or so... I would be very gratefull on that.. I will post it when I finish it but it will still be HUGE W.I.P, but I will start on 1st chapter on campaign, while (I hope) you would be posting ideas of how to improve intro.. thats all for now... And don't expect anything GREAT!!! couse I am still a bigginer and appriciate any coment... good and bad. thanks
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
well, if you have WoW, you can use some ideas from DK starting area ;)
if you haven't WoW, you can read it here

after training - maybe conquer some alliance/horde towns/cities (can make some large siege map), searching for artifacts, etc. Can include an epic battle of Lich King + Scourge vs. Kil'jaeden.

maybe some twist, where the Death Knight gets captured and imprisoned and must fight his way out of teh prison. Searching for enemy spies in Scourge fortresses. Gathering materials to build a necropolis. Converting the Forsaken into Lich King's slaves. Getting to some bad guy to offer him a union with Lich King (maybe even releasing that guy from the prison or a timed quest to save him before he gets burned by the villagers). Naval combat - protecting coasts of Northrend. Etcetera
Level 1
Aug 19, 2008
Thats what I needed tnx realy... I will sertnely put few of these in campaign... The idea is to play last chapter with lich king killing trall jaina furion and tyranda... I would just wanted explained these thing about skill trees... I know what it is in wow but never seen any1 do it in world editor... I beg for some info on this... (Still working on intro...)
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
most simple way:
you make a Spellbook ability (it is a basic item ability found in the Object Editor) for each tree you want to have, make it a Hero ability and give it several ranks. then you fill the ranks with abilities you would like the DK to have on that rank of the tree. example:
Summoning Tree
Rank 1: Raise Dead Rank 1
Rank 2: Raise Dead Rank 1; Heal Minion Rank 1
Rank 3: Raise Dead Rank 2; Heal Minion Rank 1; Summon Zombie

then you simply add the spellbooks to the Hero. he will improve them as he would normal skills.
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