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Day/Night Sound

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
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Reactions: Ićpomp and Xthreo
Original sound spiced up with a little bit of echo. (0.2 delay time/0.5 decay factor)
roosters/wolves are pretty loud and the game sound always felt flat. (sound volume remains the same as original, simply sounds better in my opinion.)

goes in:

Daybreakrooster (Sound)

DuskWolf (Sound)

Pretty useful I must say, especially the wolves sound.
I was trying to find replacement with higher quality but it was pretty hard, most of the samples where very random, nothing that could have been used, so I ended fucking around with the originals a little.
at one point I was thinking of using sounds from other games, but it would have been a bit retarded xD