Custom Icon Problems...

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Level 3
Jul 13, 2007
I made a custom icon, saved as tga. Then I opened it in War3 Img Extractor. After that saved it with 100% quality. ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTN_Orca.blp is it's imported path. When I load it up it is a border with nothing inside...WTF? [Edit] ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTN_Orca.blp doesn't work either... Once again just a border with a black box inside... [/Edit]
The icon is pretty dark, could that be affecting it?
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Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Well you need first to import both icons (disabled and enabled) then give the enabled one this part:ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTN_Orca.blp if it should replace any icons like attack and so this path is wrong or use BTN_Orca.blp and use object editor or advanced -> Game Interface to use the icon where you want it (also remeber to close down and reopen WE / WEU after importing, which I think you know)
The disabled one well then you say it works so no comments to that, pressuming that when you say it works it is the disabled icon that is used when entering menu or when the button which haves the icon is unaviable.
But the part is the most likely course of the trouble. And jsut and other thing: it turns green when the icon is missing, same for models, there it is just a greenbox (if texture is missing)
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