Crushing Wave, but with both Damage and Healing

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Hello Hive,

Whoever has played Malfurion's Quest may know of Malfurion's druid ability called "Lifesurge." It is essentially the Tauren Chieftain's Shockwave, but heals friendly units and damages enemy units.
I want to do the same with a Crushing Wave spell I have in mind. The question is how?
Depending on what other abilities the unit have (I.E. any spell that can deal friendly fire, if not, this way would work), one way would be to make the ability hit both friendly and enemy units and detect the damage dealt to friendlies, make it deal 0 damage and trigger the healing instead.

Otherwise, it should be possible to trigger it fully, but that would be more complex if you care about the "effect shape" (cone) and the timing of the damage etc..
Level 29
Aug 29, 2012
It's a technique using an invisible unit that you create and remove, usually at the position of your caster, to cause additional effects, in this case to cast another spell on top of your hero's. It must have no model, collision, shadow etc. so that players don't realize he's there
Level 44
Feb 27, 2007
If you also set these settings (plus what Chaosium said above) the dummy will be able to cast instantly without a delay in any direction. You can even use it to damage multiple units in a Pick every unit it's that fast:
  • Cast point: 0
  • Cast backswing: 0
  • Movement type: None
  • Movespeed: 0
  • Attacks enabled: none
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