So I was watching a stream of Warcraft 3 and it got me thinking, what if you could ally with certain races of creeps on melee maps? For instance, in the lore Night Elves were allied with all dragon flights except black. What if that were incorporated into the game where if you play as Night Elves on a melee map, all the dragons that would normally be hostile become rescuable units? You wouldn't gain experience from them because you're not killing them, but you do get a free dragon out of it.
- Another thing I noticed is that none of the level 10 dragons really have any spells. I feel like some spells that dragons could incorporate are breath of fire for red dragons, blink for bronze dragons (since they have knowledge and some control over time, this would be them stopping time to travel short distances), and raise dead or summon infernal for black dragons.
- Each race has specific creeps they can ally with. For Night Elves, it would be dragons (except for black and nether dragon flight), Furbolgs, and Wildkins. For the Undead, it would be black dragon flight, pretty much any creep on the Felwood tileset, and any demonic units. For Orcs and Humans, I was thinking that they could buy contracts at mercenary camps. So Humans could ally with bandits and any other Human creeps on the map, and Orcs could buy contracts with Fel Orc or Demonic creeps on Outland maps, and Trolls could be a free alliance on Lordaeron, Northrend, and Ashenvale maps for the Horde.
- So for a certain amount of gold and possibly lumber, half the creeps on the map could become your allies. I feel like the Night Elves and Undead would become very powerful in this regard since the Night Elves have such a strong connection with nature and the Undead have a huge amount of influence in certain parts of the world of Azeroth and beyond.
- Centaur could be a buyable alliance for the Night Elves because they are connected with Cenarius in lore.
- What sort of alliances would Northrend creeps like the Magnataur share? Would they be more closely tied with Cenarius or with the Scourge? Nerubians would possibly be part of the Scourge, or be a buyable contract with either the Night Elves or Humans since in lore the few surviving Nerubians who weren't cursed with undeath directly opposed the Scourge, and this is evident in some of the last Undead missions in the Frozen Throne.
- Another thing that could be added are creep heroes, like hero dragons, hero dark wizards, hero Centaur Khans, etc.
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