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Create unit once have buff 1200 range

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Level 1
Jun 21, 2009
Hey guys, i'm needing this trigger/ability.. here it is.

You cast Berersk on yourself (changed to hero ability) and everyone in 1200 range around your hero will then create a unit (bluish flame, indicating how much energy they have) and make that flame follow that unit, if that unit comes out of the 1200 range of your heros sight, the blue flame will disapear, this is a 30 seconds duration buff once the 30 seconds is up then all the blue flames will disapear.

I'm going to make the bluish flame invulnerable and Locust, with Gem of True sight ability, and the Ghost ability so the enemys can't see the blue flame, only your hero can see it.

This is a very important part for my map and I say Please and Thank you! :grin:

Edit: I also need it so the blusish flame will match the units scale value (size) and make it so the hero that has the buff can only see the bluish flame.
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