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Cooldown Reduction

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Level 7
Oct 20, 2010
Hello. I'm a beginner and I've been trying to experiment with Cooldown Reduction items, as I have been unable to find any references for such online or on the Hive. Most threads I've found are from before 2010, which were before a few actions existed. Is there a way I am able to set up cooldown reduction items? What I have below does not work, even though I can not find what is wrong with it. Thank you in advance.

  • cdr
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Item-type of (Item carried by (Triggering unit) in slot 1)) Equal to Attack Item 1
    • Actions
      • Unit - For Unit (Triggering unit), Set cooldown of ability (Ability being cast), Level: 1 to ((Ability Cooldown of (Triggering unit) for ability (Ability being cast), Level: 1) x 0.10)
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
Those ability modification functions are 0-indexed, not 1-indexed. So you modified the cooldown for level 2 instead of for level 1. 0=lvl1, 1=lvl2, etc.

Also be aware that what you wrote will reduce the current cd by 90% each time the spell starts casting. This is bad for two reasons:
  1. If the spell is cancelled (by issuing a stop command) or interrupted (by stun, silence, etc.) this trigger will still have fired.
  2. The reduction won’t just happen once. It will get reduced by 90% cumulatively every time. The total remaining cd will go: 10%, 1%, 0.1%, etc.
A better option is to set the cooldown progress upon casting. This won’t look as sleek but will be better in the long run. There should be an action to set cooldown progress of a spell so you can zip it forward by the cdr %. This can be done on spell effect too so it’s not abusable.
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