The syntax to start a colored text is '|c'
After that follows a hex-color-code with an alphs channel. However the alpha channel isn't doing anything
Anyway, after the |c you put up a code of 2 characters (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f)
Those 2 characters represent an integer that represents how much of a color is used.
The first one is for Red, the second for Green and the third for Blue. (RGB)
The 4th code is for an alpha (tranparency). However this doesn't have any effect as far as I have used color codes.
I believe that the alpha is the first but I am not sure. Could be the last one as well.
For a red color, you would have FF0000
For a green color, you would have 00FF00
For a blue color, you would have 0000FF
For a black color (yea black isnt a color but still), you would have 000000
For a white color, you would have FFFFFF
All other colors are found in between.
You can easily find a lot of basic colors if you type "hex color codes" in google
Here are some codes.
Here is a color picker that gives you the hexcode of a color.
When you want to return to the normal color, you end the code with |r