Coldown Reducment ?

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Level 7
May 18, 2010
is there som way with triggers to do ... set coldown of spell -10second or %
or anithing
not just reset the cooldown...
if it most be done JASS plx gime hints how
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Well, there are different ways you can simulate that.
One would be to create the Spell X times ( if the normal Cd is e.g. 10, make 9 others with cd 9 8 7 6.., it just has to have same icon and tooltip and no effect). If you cast the spell you run a timer or something to keep track on the CD, then if you trigger the reducement, you remove the orig spell and add the new with reduced CD(round the value) and cast instatnly.
Because you obv dont want to interrupt the order you should take a spell that doesnt.
Also start a timer with the same timeout as the CD and as callback remove the dummy and add the original again.

The CD-Shadow will repeat, but if you make this to kinda Runeeffect i think noone would notice.

This is probably a very complex mechanism, but if you really want it, thats the idea.

Ofc it would be much easier in (v)Jass, because you can code your framework there and define your own functions, like SetCDtoPercent, which would rely on the framwork.
Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
You could use the engineer's upgrade ability to exchange a set of abilities with others-> which could be as frotty already mentioned be essentially the same spell with less cooldown.
Should be easy to do and when you use a disabled spellbook, you can easily hide the upgrade ability.
or you could trigger the cooldown
just remove the ability (which has 0 cooldown) every time it is cast and give it back after cooldown is finished
you will have to store the cooldown in some variable which you can subtract the cooldown reducement from
drawback is that you can't see how long the cooldown still has but you can display it in a multiboard title or somewhere
but it does not require additional abilities
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
sorry for invading a thread, but I have arelated question - is it possible to reset a cooldown on a single ability? any simple jass line for it, maybe? GUI allows to reset cooldowns of all abilities, but if one could reset CD of single ability, he could just trigger the reduced cooldown, and after it expired, simply reset ability's remainign cooldown. would be awkward, but working.
Level 10
Jul 12, 2009
is there som way with triggers to do ... set coldown of spell -10second or %
or anithing
not just reset the cooldown...

A cooldown can be changed:
1. Before it's cast (by changing the level of the ability to a level with the desired cooldown; you can do this when the unit is ordered to cast)
2. By resetting it while it is in progress
3. If you use a totally custom cooldown system (that won't have the same sweeping progress indicator as used natively in WC3) you can do whatever you like :grin:

A native WC3 cooldown cannot be changed once it has started except to reset it, as far as I know.

sorry for invading a thread, but I have arelated question - is it possible to reset a cooldown on a single ability?
Yes, you can remove and re-add the ability (remember to restore its original level). This doesn't work for some abilities because of side-effects, though (eg. it will turn off Immolation, will turn off autocasting, etc.)
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
It is: simple adding/removing the ability resets the cooldown.
The only thing you have to keep in mind is setting the level of the ability, but that should not cause any problems I assume.

Pretty much the same thing D4RK G4ND4LF suggested, actually (with the difference being that you remove/add the ability once the cooldown has finished, while Gandalf removed the ability from the start and added it at the end of the cooldown).
It is: simple adding/removing the ability resets the cooldown.
The only thing you have to keep in mind is setting the level of the ability, but that should not cause any problems I assume.

Pretty much the same thing D4RK G4ND4LF suggested, actually (with the difference being that you remove/add the ability once the cooldown has finished, while Gandalf removed the ability from the start and added it at the end of the cooldown).

it works! (just tested it with flame strike)
didn't know that
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