
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
In a meanwhile . Sorry for 1024x1024 blp , yes wc3 can read it but 512x512 quality of wood i put is very bad...I wonder what happen to townhall quality when i 70% compressed..As i said you can dl better quality in wcu cause i doubt here will be allowed
Since i cant upload 2 blps i have to put external link : Dood1Dood2.rar

CinematicBridge/TyrandeWoodBridgeLarge (Texture)

Ye i only changed textures related with the bridge,not only wood, i changed stones too . There is wc3 sc2 asset file i never seen or opened but i i posses texture . When i saw textures i said hey this is walls/gates and bridge textures . Those assets are created by one of blizzard members for starcraft 2 . Shame i cant get m2 or mdx file anywhere on internet,but i can upload walls/gates if you like?

You must download 2 textures from external link in order to see it.

About brigther look , do you mean it looks brigter in screenshot than ingame , or its brighter than original wc3 bridge ?

Screenshot is shot in warcraft 3 model editor known as magos

Another question : When my upload become avaliable in search list?I can find only in submissions . Also what rating does ? I noticed noone rate me :D
Moderator comment:

You should read our Skin Submission Rules before uploading more textures to the section. Particularly the part about the freehand rule. Skins must feature at least 75% free-handed work in order to be approved.

Now, this being almost entirely not being the case since it is taken from WoW, cannot be approved.
Sent to Substandard/Too Simple section for being mostly a rip skin.