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Chronicles: Endless Wars Discussion Thread

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Level 6
Jan 17, 2007
NOTE: This game is dedicated to my friends, so I'm depending the map on their tastes. ^^

Game Type: AoS/DeathMatch/ORPG(Quest Perspective).
Players: 2-10 Players


Chronicles: Endless Wars is an AoS/Death Match/RPG based game. Two factions, The Holy Arms and The Dominions fight each other till the very end. Victory will only be obtained by destroying the Main Hall of their opponent(AoS), scoring the highest hero kills(Death Match) or obtaining the Ultimate Artifact(ORPG). Players can choose a hero from a variety of races(Human, Orc, Undead, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Tauren, Troll, Naga, Demons, Draenei, Nerubians and Dwarves). Each races have their own special skills, making them unique from other races.


It will depend on the Blue Player on what type of game will be played.

AoS Type - To win the game, you must destroy your opponent's Main Hall.
Death Match Type - Win the game by scoring a high number of hero kills within a time limit.
ORPG Type - Obtain the Ultimate Artifact by completing a variety of quests( varies on team).


AoS Type - Similar gameplay with other AoS games. Two teams will fight each other. Level up your hero, suit him/her up with powerful items and destroy your enemies.

Death Match Type - Similar gameplay with other Death Match games. Can either be Team vs Team or Battle Royal. Level up your hero, suit him/her up with powerful items and score a high number of points.

RPG Type - Similar to RPG games when it comes to quest system. This gameplay emphasizes quests. Two teams will race out on finishing a variety of quests around the map. The first team to obtain the Ultimate Atifact wins the game. This can only be obtained once they reached the last quest and finished it.

Overall - On all of the game types, Attribute and Equipment System is used for a rather different gameplay in terms of item handling and stat management. The terrain also has a great factor on different races(Ex. Naga Race has an advantage while fighting on rivers or water pools while Night Elves has the upper hand when fightning in the woods).

NOTE: As you can see the idea of the map is very basic. Knowing that this map is dedicated on my friends, we can't argue with the uniqueness of this map. Considering the facts that I am alone on this map and still don't have the mastery on any aspects of the WE(Triggers, Terrain, Object Editor etc...), the map progress is very slow. I posted this thread to ask for your ideas on how to improve the map but still sticking on what my friends want. So far I'm still working on the Heroes. At first I am only using the 4 main races namely the Human, Orc, Night Elves and Undead. Now, I decided to increase the race to 12. I did that to add some different factors in the game like the Racial Skill on every hero. I am also having problems with the terrain. I'm still using a copied one T_T. I'm currently finishing the AoS part of this map.

What the Map needs: A lot of things actually are missing in the map. But I'll start of with the basic ones. So the first one that I want to discuss with you is the Terrain of the map. Knowing that it is an AoS/Death Match/ORPG game, the terrain would be complicated and hard for me alone on making it.

Can you help me out on sketching out the entire map??

Heroes: 90%
Terrain: 0%(Still using a copied one)
Items: 0%
Triggers: 50%

Oats123 - Terrain Design

If you feel like helping besides from terraining(like item ideas and such) just post on this thread. ^^
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Level 1
Apr 29, 2008
Hey I would be glad to ***TRY*** and help you do the terrain as far as sketching it out. I am very new to doing terrain but I do model editing for terrain using Maya or 3dsMax. If you would like my ideas and would like to chat sometime and explain what you would like on it and I could sketch it out as you told me what you needed please let me know.

Either email me here
Or at [email protected] as I check that frequently.

Thanks :)


P.S. I can also do the actual terrain if you needed me to. I am new and would take me a while to get down what I need to know. But it is something I have wanted to learn for a while.
Level 6
Jan 17, 2007
Sure Oats123. Your help will be highly appreciated. Ok, I want to get your idea on the future terrain of the map.

Situational Question: How will you design the map based on the information given?
Level 1
Apr 29, 2008
I would make it similar to a DOTA, but with a whole side area that is based around the RPG aspect. There would be 3 lanes, and the RPG section would be a place where you could go instead of PvPing, yet PvP is allowed there. Different bases and guards would of course be optional or GAINED from doing certain quests.
Level 6
Jan 17, 2007
I have some ideas on making some lanes uhhmm beneficial to other race but will not make them overpowered. Like a lane where most of it's part is actually a river, giving a great Advantage to Naga race while another lane where trees are abundant there, giving the Night Elves Race the upper hand.
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