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"Channel" skill

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Level 5
Apr 16, 2005
hi.. i wanna ask somthing about the skill "Channel"

um.. about the data options..
whats the purpose and what does it do..

follow trough time. 180.. -> for what.. what does it do?
and also

Targeting Image
Physical Spell
Univesal Spell
Unique Cast

can someone teach me.. what does it do.. and it's functions.. =p
thnx advnce..
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Channel is quite a blessing. Though some of its fields may sound fishy, in fact it is a very good skill. Why? Because it is specially made to be a dummy ability. And it can have any order string, if you put the appropriate value in the data - base order ID.

Now, I'm not sure about all the fields, but here is my guess:

For options, Visible I guess that doesn't allow the caster to target invisible units (meaning that even if you have true sight you cannot cast it at them), Targeting Image I guess it works only for illusions, Physical Spell I guess it affects Magic Immune too, Universal I have no idea and Unique cast either. You should try them out yourself!

Follow Through Time AGAIN I guess (I'm not sure about it) that makes the spell channeling. Try to set its duration to 0.01, and see what happens. I didn't test it, but you can do these tests.

Level 8
Jul 28, 2004
Visible - if set to off then the icon for the spell is hidden on the command card (can still cast with triggers)
Targeting Image - will show the area effect target image (used with the area of effect property)
Physical Spell - the spell can target magic immune but not etheral
Univesal Spell - the spell can be cast on both magic immune and etheral
Unique Cast - dont know

follow through time - how much time should the hero channel the spell.
disable other abilities - this prevents the channeling from getting inturrupted.
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