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Can someone explain this Polar Offset to me please?

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Level 8
Aug 1, 2008
Ive used this so much, but, i can never get it perfect. I have to try at least 20 times to get it near perfect, then just give up and leave it with what i have it close to. Can someone explain to me, what determines the range, angle, and angle they face please? Like break the trigger down. ;)
Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
function PolarProjectionBJ takes location source, real dist, real angle returns location
    local real x = GetLocationX(source) + dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
    local real y = GetLocationY(source) + dist * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
    return Location(x, y)

That's what is happening if you use PolarProjection in GUI. Uses coordinates and sin/cos to calculate the new coordinates.

constant real      bj_DEGTORAD                      = bj_PI/180.0
constant real      bj_PI                            = 3.14159

Radian (RAD) = "An angle of 1 radian results in an arc with an equal length to the radius of the circle." - Wiki

EDIT: I think 1 thing to take into consideration is that 0-360 actualy starts at east. So east = 0 degrees

Range = Determined by the distance you enter into the trigger

Angle = What you enter will be East(0)+YourAngle going clockwise. So an angle of 90 degrees will produce an offset in a southern direction

Facing Angle = There is no specification for this in the function. You have to use another function if you want to change this.

I hope that explains it a little better. Ask if you're still not sure.

My question is: Why does the angle have to be converted to radians??
Iv'e always thoughtthat maths and circles do not mix well :p
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Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
Maybe I'm coming from a different perspective then. Logically North would be 0 and run through to 360 in a clockwise direction.
Level 8
Aug 1, 2008
So, how exactly would you get something(anything) appear behind a unit, where ever its facing?

I always have to mess around to do something like this.

oh and then, how will you edit the distance to how close behind it is to the unit?
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