Introlink shows what Im trying to achieve in the NASH Example.
Basically its an Indexer for items and abilities. It creates spells and items as well as tracking them.
Alls the coder has to do is create a gui trigger and adjust some values with a pile of variables. The rest of the code is created for them through the ability and item indexer.
Also there should be a way to add additional ability / item systems to the code without having to know alot of jass. that way a gui/jass user can just create a system (for example a jumping system) using gui/jass and set a few global variables to true in their system and it creates it for them. that way a gui user can still get the effect of using the ability/ item indexer without learning jass.
I've provided AIDS for a prescript if you need something to start from....
// _ ___ ___ ___ _______________________________________________
// /_\ |_ _| \/ __| || A D V A N C E D I N D E X I N G ||
// / _ \ | || |) \__ \ || A N D ||
// /_/ \_\___|___/|___/ || D A T A S T O R A G E ||
// By Jesus4Lyf ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// v 1.1.0
// What is AIDS?
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// AIDS assigns unique integers between 1 and 8191 to units which enter
// the map. These can be used for arrays and data attaching.
// AIDS also allows you to define structs which are created automatically
// when units enter the map, and filtering which units should be indexed
// as well as for which units these structs should be created.
// How to implement?
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// Simply create a new trigger object called AIDS, go to 'Edit -> Convert
// to Custom Text', and replace everything that's there with this script.
// Save the map, close it, reopen it, and then delete the "!" from the
// FAR left side of the next lines (so "external" will line up with this line):
//! external ObjectMerger w3a Adef AIDS anam "State Detection" ansf "(AIDS)" aart "" arac 0
// At the top of the script, there is a 'UnitIndexingFilter' constant
// function. If the function returns true for the unit, then that unit
// will be automatically indexed. Setting this to true will automatically
// index all units. Setting it to false will disable automatic indexing.
// Functions:
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// function GetUnitId takes unit u returns integer
// - This returns the index of an indexed unit. This will return 0
// if the unit has not been indexed.
// - This function inlines. It does not check if the unit needs an
// index. This function is for the speed freaks.
// - Always use this if 'UnitIndexingFilter' simply returns true.
// function GetUnitIndex takes unit u returns integer
// - This will return the index of a unit if it has one, or assign
// an index if the unit doesn't have one (and return the new index).
// - Use this if 'UnitIndexingFilter' doesn't return true.
// function GetIndexUnit takes integer index returns unit
// - This returns the unit which has been assigned the 'index'.
// AIDS Structs:
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// - Insert: //! runtextmacro AIDS() at the top of a struct to make it
// an AIDS struct.
// - AIDS structs cannot be created or destroyed manually. Instead, they
// are automatically created when an appropriate unit enters the map.
// - You cannot give members default values in their declaration.
// (eg: private integer i=5 is not allowed)
// - You cannot use array members.
// - AIDS structs must "extend array". This will remove some unused
// functions and enforce the above so there will be no mistakes.
// - There are four optional methods you can use in AIDS structs:
// - AIDS_onCreate takes nothing returns nothing
// - This is called when the struct is 'created' for the unit.
// - In here you can assign members their default values, which
// you would usually assign in their declarations.
// (eg: set this.i=5)
// - AIDS_onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
// - This is called when the struct is 'destroyed' for the unit.
// - This is your substitute to the normal onDestroy method.
// - AIDS_filter takes unit u returns boolean
// - This is similar to the constant filter in the main system.
// - Each unit that enters the map will be tested by each AIDS
// struct filter. If it returns true for that unit, that unit
// will be indexed if it was not already, the AIDS struct will
// have its AIDS_onCreate method called, and later have its
// AIDS_onDestroy method called when the index is recycled.
// - Not declaring this will use the default AIDS filter instead.
// - AIDS_onInit takes nothing returns nothing
// - This is because I stole your onInit function with my textmacro.
// - You can use '.unit' from any AIDS struct to get the unit for which
// the struct is for.
// - The structs id will be the units index, so getting the struct for
// a unit inlines to a single native call, and you can typecast between
// different AIDS structs. This is the premise of AIDS.
// - Never create or destroy AIDS structs directly.
// - You can call .AIDS_addLock() and AIDS_removeLock() to increase or
// decrease the lock level on the struct. If a struct's lock level is
// not 0, it will not be destroyed until it is reduced to 0. Locks just
// put off AIDS struct destruction in case you wish to attach to a timer
// or something which must expire before the struct data disappears.
// Hence, not freeing all locks will leak the struct (and index).
// PUI and AutoIndex:
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// - AIDS includes the PUI textmacros and the AutoIndex module, because
// these systems are not compatible with AIDS but have valid and distinct
// uses.
// - The PUI textmacros are better to use for spells than AIDS structs,
// because they are not created for all units, just those targetted by
// the spell (or whatever else is necessary).
// - The AutoData module is good for very simple array syntax for data
// attachment (although I don't recommend that people actually use it,
// it's here mostly for compatability). Note that unlike the PUI textmacros,
// units must pass the AIDS filter in order for this module to work with
// them. This is exactly as the same as in AutoIndex itself (AutoIndex
// has a filter too).
// Thanks:
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// - Romek, for writing 90% of this user documentation, challenging my
// interface, doing some testing, suggesting improvements and inspiring
// me to re-do my code to include GetUnitIndex as non-inlining.
// - grim001, for writing the AutoData module, and AutoIndex. I used the
// on-enter-map method that he used. Full credits for the AutoData module.
// - Cohadar, for writing his PUI textmacros. Full credits to him for these,
// except for my slight optimisations for this system.
// Also, I have used an optimised version of his PeriodicRecycler from
// PUI in this system to avoid needing a RemoveUnitEx function.
// - Vexorian, for helping Cohadar on the PUI textmacro.
// - Larcenist, for suggesting the AIDS acronym. Originally he suggested
// 'Alternative Index Detection System', but obviously I came up with
// something better. In fact, I'd say it looks like the acronym was
// an accident. Kinda neat, don't you think? :P
// Final Notes:
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// - With most systems, I wouldn't usually add substitutes for alternative
// systems. However, UnitData systems are an exception, because they
// are incompatible with eachother. Since using this system forbids
// people from using the real PUI or AutoIndex, and a lot of resources
// use either of these, it made sense not to break them all.
// - If this documentation confused you as to how to use the system, just
// leave everything as default and use GetUnitId everywhere.
// - To use this like PUI (if you don't like spamming indices) simply
// make the AIDS filter return false, and use GetUnitIndex.
library AIDS initializer InitAIDS
// Configurables
private constant boolean USE_PERIODIC_RECYCLER = false
private constant real PERIOD = 0.03125 // Recycles 32 units/second max.
// Lower to be able to recycle faster.
// is set to true.
private constant integer LEAVE_DETECTION_ABILITY = 'AIDS'
private function UnitIndexingFilter takes unit u returns boolean
return true
// System code
// The unit stored at an index.
private unit array IndexUnit
private integer array LockLevel
// Recycle stack
private integer array RecycledIndex
private integer MaxRecycledIndex = 0
// Previous highest index
private integer MaxIndex = 0
private integer array DecayingIndex
private integer MaxDecayingIndex=0
private integer DecayChecker=0
private timer UndefendTimer=CreateTimer()
private integer array UndefendIndex
private integer UndefendStackIndex=0
private integer array UndefendExpiringIndex
private integer UndefendExpiringIndexLevel=0
// The Add/Remove stack (or assign/recycle stack).
// Indexing can become recusive since units can be created on index
// assignment or deallocation.
// To support this, a stack is used to store the event response results.
private integer ARStackLevel=0
private integer array ARStackIndex
private unit array ARStackUnit
// A later discovery revealed that the Add/Remove stack did not need to be
// used for deallocation. The alternative used works fine...
public constant function GetEnteringIndexUnit takes nothing returns unit
return ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel]
public function GetIndexOfEnteringUnit takes nothing returns integer
// Called in AIDS structs when units do not pass the initial AIDS filter.
if ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]==0 then
// Get new index, from recycler first, else new.
// Store the current index on the (new) top level of the AR stack.
if MaxRecycledIndex==0 then // Get new.
set MaxIndex=MaxIndex+1
set ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]=MaxIndex
else // Get from recycle stack.
set ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]=RecycledIndex[MaxRecycledIndex]
set MaxRecycledIndex=MaxRecycledIndex-1
// Store index on unit.
call SetUnitUserData(ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel],ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel])
set IndexUnit[ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]]=ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel]
// Add index to recycle list.
set MaxDecayingIndex=MaxDecayingIndex+1
set DecayingIndex[MaxDecayingIndex]=ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]
return ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]
public constant function GetIndexOfEnteringUnitAllocated takes nothing returns integer
// Called in AIDS structs when units have passed the initial AIDS filter.
return ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]
public constant function GetDecayingIndex takes nothing returns integer
return DecayingIndex[DecayChecker]
return UndefendExpiringIndex[UndefendExpiringIndexLevel]
// For structs and such which need to do things on unit index assignment.
private trigger OnEnter=CreateTrigger()
// The same, but for when units pass the initial filter anyway.
private trigger OnEnterAllocated=CreateTrigger()
// For structs and such which need to do things on unit index deallocation.
private trigger OnDeallocate=CreateTrigger()
public function RegisterOnEnter takes boolexpr b returns triggercondition
return TriggerAddCondition(OnEnter,b)
public function RegisterOnEnterAllocated takes boolexpr b returns triggercondition
return TriggerAddCondition(OnEnterAllocated,b)
public function RegisterOnDeallocate takes boolexpr b returns triggercondition
return TriggerAddCondition(OnDeallocate,b)
function GetIndexUnit takes integer index returns unit
debug if index==0 then
debug call BJDebugMsg("|cFFFF0000Error using AIDS:|r Trying to get the unit of index 0.")
debug elseif IndexUnit[index]==null then
debug call BJDebugMsg("|cFFFF0000Error using AIDS:|r Trying to get the unit of unassigned index.")
debug endif
return IndexUnit[index]
function GetUnitId takes unit u returns integer
debug if u==null then
debug call BJDebugMsg("|cFFFF0000Error using AIDS:|r Trying to get the id (inlines) of null unit.")
debug elseif GetUnitUserData(u)==0 then
debug call BJDebugMsg("|cFFFF0000Error using AIDS:|r Trying to use GetUnitId (inlines) when you should be using GetUnitIndex (unit didn't pass filter).")
debug endif
return GetUnitUserData(u)
private integer getindex
function GetUnitIndex takes unit u returns integer // Cannot be recursive.
debug if u==null then
debug call BJDebugMsg("|cFFFF0000Error using AIDS:|r Trying to get the index of null unit.")
debug endif
set getindex=GetUnitUserData(u)
if getindex==0 then
// Get new index, from recycler first, else new.
// Store the current index in getindex.
if MaxRecycledIndex==0 then // Get new.
set MaxIndex=MaxIndex+1
set getindex=MaxIndex
else // Get from recycle stack.
set getindex=RecycledIndex[MaxRecycledIndex]
set MaxRecycledIndex=MaxRecycledIndex-1
// Store index on unit.
call SetUnitUserData(u,getindex)
set IndexUnit[getindex]=u
// Add index to recycle list.
set MaxDecayingIndex=MaxDecayingIndex+1
set DecayingIndex[MaxDecayingIndex]=getindex
// Add leave detection ability.
call UnitAddAbility(ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel],LEAVE_DETECTION_ABILITY)
call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel],true,LEAVE_DETECTION_ABILITY)
// Do not fire things here. No AIDS structs will be made at this point.
return getindex
public function AddLock takes integer index returns nothing
set LockLevel[index]=LockLevel[index]+1
public function RemoveLock takes integer index returns nothing
set LockLevel[index]=LockLevel[index]-1
static if not USE_PERIODIC_RECYCLER then
if GetUnitUserData(IndexUnit[index])==0 and LockLevel[index]==0 then
// Increment stack for recursion.
set UndefendExpiringIndexLevel=UndefendExpiringIndexLevel+1
set UndefendExpiringIndex[UndefendExpiringIndexLevel]=index
// Fire things.
call TriggerEvaluate(OnDeallocate)
// Decrement stack for recursion.
set UndefendExpiringIndexLevel=UndefendExpiringIndexLevel-1
// Add the index to the recycler stack.
set MaxRecycledIndex=MaxRecycledIndex+1
set RecycledIndex[MaxRecycledIndex]=index
// Null the unit.
set IndexUnit[index]=null
private function PeriodicRecycler takes nothing returns nothing
if MaxDecayingIndex>0 then
set DecayChecker=DecayChecker+1
if DecayChecker>MaxDecayingIndex then
set DecayChecker=1
if GetUnitUserData(IndexUnit[DecayingIndex[DecayChecker]])==0 then
if LockLevel[DecayingIndex[DecayChecker]]==0 then
// Fire things.
call TriggerEvaluate(OnDeallocate)
// Add the index to the recycler stack.
set MaxRecycledIndex=MaxRecycledIndex+1
set RecycledIndex[MaxRecycledIndex]=DecayingIndex[DecayChecker]
// Null the unit.
set IndexUnit[DecayingIndex[DecayChecker]]=null
// Remove index from decay list.
set DecayingIndex[DecayChecker]=DecayingIndex[MaxDecayingIndex]
set MaxDecayingIndex=MaxDecayingIndex-1
private function UndefendFilter takes nothing returns boolean
return IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)
private function OnUndefendTimer takes nothing returns nothing
exitwhen UndefendStackIndex==0
set UndefendStackIndex=UndefendStackIndex-1
set UndefendExpiringIndex[0]=UndefendIndex[UndefendStackIndex]
if IndexUnit[UndefendExpiringIndex[0]]!=null then
if GetUnitUserData(IndexUnit[UndefendExpiringIndex[0]])==0 then
if LockLevel[UndefendExpiringIndex[0]]==0 then
// Fire things.
call TriggerEvaluate(OnDeallocate)
// Add the index to the recycler stack.
set MaxRecycledIndex=MaxRecycledIndex+1
set RecycledIndex[MaxRecycledIndex]=UndefendExpiringIndex[0]
// Null the unit.
set IndexUnit[UndefendExpiringIndex[0]]=null
private integer UndefendFilterIndex
private function OnUndefend takes nothing returns boolean
if GetIssuedOrderId()==852056 then // If undefend then...
set UndefendFilterIndex=GetUnitUserData(GetOrderedUnit())
if UndefendIndex[UndefendStackIndex-1]!=UndefendFilterIndex then // Efficiency perk.
set UndefendIndex[UndefendStackIndex]=UndefendFilterIndex
set UndefendStackIndex=UndefendStackIndex+1
call TimerStart(UndefendTimer,0,false,function OnUndefendTimer)
return false
public function IndexEnum takes nothing returns boolean // Can be recursive...
// Start by adding another level on the AR stack (for recursion's sake).
set ARStackLevel=ARStackLevel+1
// Store the current unit on the (new) top level of the AR stack.
set ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel]=GetFilterUnit()
if GetUnitUserData(ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel])==0 then // Has not been indexed.
if UnitIndexingFilter(ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel]) then
// Get new index, from recycler first, else new.
// Store the current index on the (new) top level of the AR stack.
if MaxRecycledIndex==0 then // Get new.
set MaxIndex=MaxIndex+1
set ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]=MaxIndex
else // Get from recycle stack.
set ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]=RecycledIndex[MaxRecycledIndex]
set MaxRecycledIndex=MaxRecycledIndex-1
// Store index on unit.
call SetUnitUserData(ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel],ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel])
set IndexUnit[ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]]=ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel]
// Add index to recycle list.
set MaxDecayingIndex=MaxDecayingIndex+1
set DecayingIndex[MaxDecayingIndex]=ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]
// Add leave detection ability.
call UnitAddAbility(ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel],LEAVE_DETECTION_ABILITY)
call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(ARStackUnit[ARStackLevel],true,LEAVE_DETECTION_ABILITY)
// Fire things.
call TriggerEvaluate(OnEnter)
// The unit did not pass the filters, so does not need to be auto indexed.
// However, for certain AIDS structs, it may still require indexing.
// These structs may index the unit on their creation.
// We flag that an index must be assigned by setting the current index to 0.
set ARStackIndex[ARStackLevel]=0
// Fire things.
call TriggerEvaluate(OnEnter)
// Decrement the stack.
set ARStackLevel=ARStackLevel-1
return false
private function InitAIDS takes nothing returns nothing
local region r=CreateRegion()
local group g=CreateGroup()
local integer n=15
call TimerStart(UndefendTimer,PERIOD,true,function PeriodicRecycler)
local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t,Player(n),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER,Filter(function UndefendFilter))
call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(n),LEAVE_DETECTION_ABILITY,false)
// Capture "undefend" orders.
exitwhen n==0
set n=n-1
set n=15
call TriggerAddCondition(t,Filter(function OnUndefend))
set t=null
// This must be done first, due to recursion. :)
call RegionAddRect(r,GetWorldBounds())
call TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(CreateTrigger(),r,Filter(function IndexEnum))
set r=null
call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g,Player(n),Filter(function IndexEnum))
//Enum every non-filtered unit on the map during initialization and assign it a unique
//index. By using GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer, even units with Locust can be detected.
exitwhen n==0
set n=n-1
call DestroyGroup(g)
set g=null
public struct DEFAULT extends array
method AIDS_onCreate takes nothing returns nothing
method AIDS_onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
static method AIDS_filter takes unit u returns boolean
return UnitIndexingFilter(u)
static method AIDS_onInit takes nothing returns nothing
// Never create or destroy AIDS structs directly.
// Also, do not initialise members except by using the AIDS_onCreate method.
//! textmacro AIDS
// This magic line makes default methods get called which do nothing
// if the methods are otherwise undefined.
private static delegate AIDS_DEFAULT AIDS_DELEGATE=0
// Gotta know whether or not to destroy on deallocation...
private boolean AIDS_instanciated
static method operator[] takes unit whichUnit returns thistype
return GetUnitId(whichUnit)
method operator unit takes nothing returns unit
// Allows structVar.unit to return the unit.
return GetIndexUnit(this)
method AIDS_addLock takes nothing returns nothing
call AIDS_AddLock(this)
method AIDS_removeLock takes nothing returns nothing
call AIDS_RemoveLock(this)
private static method AIDS_onEnter takes nothing returns boolean
// At this point, the unit might not have been assigned an index.
if thistype.AIDS_filter(AIDS_GetEnteringIndexUnit()) then
// Flag it for destruction on deallocation.
set thistype(AIDS_GetIndexOfEnteringUnit()).AIDS_instanciated=true
// Can use inlining "Assigned" function now, as it must be assigned.
call thistype(AIDS_GetIndexOfEnteringUnitAllocated()).AIDS_onCreate()
return false
private static method AIDS_onEnterAllocated takes nothing returns boolean
// At this point, the unit must have been assigned an index.
if thistype.AIDS_filter(AIDS_GetEnteringIndexUnit()) then
// Flag it for destruction on deallocation. Slightly faster!
set thistype(AIDS_GetIndexOfEnteringUnitAllocated()).AIDS_instanciated=true
// Can use inlining "Assigned" function now, as it must be assigned.
call thistype(AIDS_GetIndexOfEnteringUnitAllocated()).AIDS_onCreate()
return false
private static method AIDS_onDeallocate takes nothing returns boolean
if thistype(AIDS_GetDecayingIndex()).AIDS_instanciated then
call thistype(AIDS_GetDecayingIndex()).AIDS_onDestroy()
// Unflag destruction on deallocation.
set thistype(AIDS_GetDecayingIndex()).AIDS_instanciated=false
return false
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
call AIDS_RegisterOnEnter(Filter(function thistype.AIDS_onEnter))
call AIDS_RegisterOnEnterAllocated(Filter(function thistype.AIDS_onEnterAllocated))
call AIDS_RegisterOnDeallocate(Filter(function thistype.AIDS_onDeallocate))
// Because I robbed you of your struct's onInit method.
call thistype.AIDS_onInit()
//! endtextmacro
library PUI uses AIDS
// Allowed PUI_PROPERTY TYPES are: unit, integer, real, boolean, string
// Do NOT put handles that need to be destroyed here (timer, trigger, ...)
// Instead put them in a struct and use PUI textmacro
private static unit array pui_unit
private static $TYPE$ array pui_data
// Returns default value when first time used
static method operator[] takes unit whichUnit returns $TYPE$
local integer pui = GetUnitId(whichUnit) // Changed from GetUnitIndex.
if .pui_unit[pui] != whichUnit then
set .pui_unit[pui] = whichUnit
set .pui_data[pui] = $DEFAULT$
return .pui_data[pui]
static method operator[]= takes unit whichUnit, $TYPE$ whichData returns nothing
local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(whichUnit)
set .pui_unit[pui] = whichUnit
set .pui_data[pui] = whichData
//! endtextmacro
// Never destroy PUI structs directly.
// Use .release() instead, will call .destroy()
//! textmacro PUI
private static unit array pui_unit
private static integer array pui_data
private static integer array pui_id
// Returns zero if no struct is attached to unit
static method operator[] takes unit whichUnit returns integer
local integer pui = GetUnitId(whichUnit) // Changed from GetUnitIndex.
// Switched the next two lines for optimisation.
if .pui_unit[pui] != whichUnit then
if .pui_data[pui] != 0 then
// recycled index detected
call .destroy(.pui_data[pui])
set .pui_unit[pui] = null
set .pui_data[pui] = 0
return .pui_data[pui]
// This will overwrite already attached struct if any
static method operator[]= takes unit whichUnit, integer whichData returns nothing
local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(whichUnit)
if .pui_data[pui] != 0 then
call .destroy(.pui_data[pui])
set .pui_unit[pui] = whichUnit
set .pui_data[pui] = whichData
set .pui_id[whichData] = pui
// If you do not call release struct will be destroyed when unit handle gets recycled
method release takes nothing returns nothing
local integer pui= .pui_id[integer(this)]
call .destroy()
set .pui_unit[pui] = null
set .pui_data[pui] = 0
//! endtextmacro
library AutoIndex uses AIDS
module AutoData
private static thistype array data
// Fixed up the below to use thsitype instead of integer.
static method operator []= takes unit u, thistype i returns nothing
set .data[GetUnitId(u)] = i //Just attaching a struct to the unit
endmethod //using the module's thistype array.
static method operator [] takes unit u returns thistype
return .data[GetUnitId(u)] //Just returning the attached struct.