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[Trigger] Building only buildable in specific area

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Level 3
Sep 9, 2007
man, i need a trigger for my map dat is somethin like...

...make dat workers (unit) can only build trading post (building) in Zapotec Village (area)

also, if any onther building is built in Zapotec village, it will be destroyed..

i need also dat when trading post (building) is in Zapotec Village (area) it can make lightining warriors (unit)

obs: the trading post is only a buildin dat doesnt make units, i'll make like in Age of Empires III...when u build the trading post in a native village, will make units from dat village like Tupi indians, Zapotec WArriors, etc...
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
I pressume you mean this:
I need a trigger for my map that is something like this:

It makes workers (unit) only build trading posts (building) in Zapotec Village (region)

also, if any other building is built in Zapotec village (region), it will be destroyed.

I would also need a trigger to ensure if trading post (building) is in Zapotec Village (area) it can make lightning warriors (unit)

btw: the trading post is the only building which doesnt make units, i'll make it like in Age of Empires III...when you build the trading post in a native village it will make units from that village like Tupi indians, Zapotec Warriors, etc...
Could someone help me with those triggers?

This way it is more understandable and you sound more friendly = better chance of getting help.

Okay first trigger is simpel: Just make a region around every Zapotec village, then make a trigger with this event:

  • Events
    • Unit A unit starts building blabla
  • Conditions¨
    • Both conditions are true:
      • Unit unit being build not equal to blabla
      • triggering unit is in region 1
  • Actions
    • Unit Destroy unit being build
The one with the lightning units is similar:
  • Events
    • Unit A building starts training blabla
  • Conditions¨
    • Triggering units is in region 1 / Training unit is in region 1 not equal to true
  • Actions
    • Unit Cancel unit being trained
This should solve all 3 problems, if I understand you correct. I maybe miswrote some of the trigger, but didt check the WE / WEU so there can be some minor flaws, but the main idea is correct.

Have fun with it.
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