1.) create a timer variable label it IncomeTimer
2.) Create the timer initialization trigger
- Time - Elapsed time is = to .10 seconds
- none
- Countdown Timer - Start IncomeTimer as a repeating timer that will expire in 40 seconds
- Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for last created timer labeled Income in . . .
3.)Create the income trigger
- Countdown Timer - Countdown timer IncomeTimer has expired
- none
- Player - add (integer variable entitled red) to player 1's current gold
Okay now the trigger to make the variable work
- unit - unit enters region playable map area
- Unit Type comparision - Triggering unit is equal to the building that provides the income boost
- Player comparision - Owner of triggering unit is = to player 1 red
- Variable - Set variable (integer variable entitled red) = to (integer variable entitled red) plus (amount of income gained from that building)
now when 40 seconds expires player 1 red will recive (amount of income gained from that building) multiplied by how many of those building he has.
To create this for all other players simply copy the triggers excluding the 1 for the timer and change all the player 1 to the next player and all the (integer variable entitled red) to (integer variable entitled blues) then teals then purp and so on.
Hope this helped