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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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A new Volcano Icon :p

Version 0.3

Volcano, Fire, Flamme, Fire Lord, Lava, Red, Mountain.

BTNVolcano (Icon)

19:09, 29th Oct 2009 enjoy: Volcano: http://education.ed.pacificu.edu/sweb/gutierrez/volcano/Volcano.jpg Lava: http://ferdyonfilms.com/volcano-01-g.jpg Look at these, while making it, so you get it more right. The sky needs to be darker, because of...




19:09, 29th Oct 2009
enjoy: Volcano: http://education.ed.pacificu.edu/sweb/gutierrez/volcano/Volcano.jpg
Lava: http://ferdyonfilms.com/volcano-01-g.jpg
Look at these, while making it, so you get it more right. The sky needs to be darker, because of all the rocks and ashes and smoke that is getting shooted up in the air, and the lava needs to ligthen more up. You can make that effect, by making alittle glow behind the lava, in orange ( almost red ) :)

enjoy: still needs alot more changes.