This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
I don't really know why, I just made a taco icon. It can be useful if you have a health recovery item with no fitting icon. So, use it if you want, if not, then I don't really know. :p

Taco, beef, cheese, lettuce.

BTNTaco (Icon)

10:21, 24th Oct 2008 Hawkwing: Too much definition, lack of shading, etc.




10:21, 24th Oct 2008
Hawkwing: Too much definition, lack of shading, etc.
Level 5
Mar 25, 2006

Comments (in order)

Its only good because its oginal and you maked one of each type of icon frames, but i think thats it.
Umm, thank you...?

Pretty useless, but it made me lol, attack type TACO!
Yeah, I didn't really think it would really have a lot of use other than a recovery item, possibly from some sort of taco joint.

+ original
- not so good
- big filesize (but i guess thats because you have a lot icons in one pack)
I have no comment on this

Actually, packs with that much icons usually weight around 60kb, so this is preety small size
I agree

Is it an evil taco?
*sigh* Yes, it is an evil taco.

looks like a sandwich.
Now that you mention it, it does look kind of like a sandwich.

Looks very useless. Still, some people may use it instead of potions in a Rpg or such.
Yeah, that's what it was mostly made for, recovery items.

Well thanks for all the comments, goodbye :p.