
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
yay first icon made with fotoshop. hope this fits the wc3 style better then my other icon :)
feel free to use this icon but pls give me credits... it takes a lot of time to create this so pls dont flame me for it even if its not that uber great (like crazyrussian's or other skillfull icon maker) just tell me what could be done better. thanks.

EDIT: Fixed background color
hope it now looks more like a shoulder armor :D

Armor, Slayer

BTNSlayerArmorupd (Icon)

13:30, 19th Jan 2009 Paladon: This icon is still very unclear and the use of red/blue colours is not very useful. This icon should make a portrait of an armour.




13:30, 19th Jan 2009
Paladon: This icon is still very unclear and the use of red/blue colours is not very useful. This icon should make a portrait of an armour.