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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my first attempt at making an Axe Icon :) Tried new techniques from my last icons and I think it turned out rather nice.

Edited what needed to be fixed. Wood no longer looks red.

axe, horde, orc, goblin, forgotten, warlord

BTNHordeAxe (Icon)

12:16, 16th Dec 2009 Pyramidhe@d: Make the wood not such a reddish hue. Some highlights on it as well, along the top, although not so bright that it blends. The blade doesnt blend anymore which is a good job enjoy: Define it more and make the...




12:16, 16th Dec 2009
Pyramidhe@d: Make the wood not such a reddish hue. Some highlights on it as well, along the top, although not so bright that it blends. The blade doesnt blend anymore which is a good job

enjoy: Define it more and make the background less bright. Also fix the shape of the axe, and make it less rough. Also listen to pyramidhe@d.
I think he means sharp.

I don't think it's deformed, maybe it is, but for purpuse.

Love it.
Thanks your tutorial vid you posted helped me a lot ;)

I love it too,but i think it is over sharp so 4/5 ;]
I'll try to dill it down a bit :p
I like it, I only think that the handle is a bit blurry...Try to definite it...
Yeah, in gimp it looked fine, but sometimes gimp can diseve you lol
Clean up some of the shading a bit, seems messy at the moment. Also, the background color is alright but it kinda blends with the axe. The handle is a bit dark too see too, maybe add a wooden texture?
Yeah, the hand looked fine until I scaled it down, but I'll rework it :)