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Always remember one thing: Practice is the way to become better! And don't CnP ;)

hammer, holy, light, swing, smash, strike, hit, weapon, silver, human, pala,

BTNHolyHammerSwing (Icon)

10:59, 13th Aug 2009 zombie2279: I don't like the fact that the gray movement effect blends in with the gray base color scheme of the hammer, but it's definitely a creative icon with a fine execution. You should consider removing the other, hardly...




10:59, 13th Aug 2009
zombie2279: I don't like the fact that the gray movement effect blends in with the gray base color scheme of the hammer, but it's definitely a creative icon with a fine execution. You should consider removing the other, hardly visible hammer.
This icon presents us a hammer swinging in the foreground with a holy/light related background appaearnce showing a fading dublicate of the hammer representing its movement stage. The hammer is accented with a rune.

The main object looks good. It successfully shows us its represented issue being skull-crushing yet blowing body parts away.

It's movement is decently presented. You could still make use of a weak and small particle flow (4-8 particles, 1 pixels on 128x128, 2 pixels on 256x256, etc.) to give it a more exciting visibility.

This takes me to the next point swiftly since you decided to give a bigger particle movement into the background. Representing a movement in the foreground by a particle flow in the bckground is usually just recommended if this flow has its origins in the foreground.

Shading and light is well placed, you can get rid of the main background particle flow if you choose the foreground small particles.

Looks very neat and decent, the backround is just a bit messy.