Hey Sin, I created a Rating Icons system cuz I had nothing to do yesterday
I want to see if it gives good results. So that I can always rate icons as I rate other icons without adding my personal likings into the rating... much.
SyStEMmm works like that - I give you points from 0 to 1 for each of the 10 .. things an icon can have. Then I divide the result in two and add +1 since the
SyStEMmm is quite cruel (and because every icon starts from 1. WOW)
- Idea - 0,6
- Positioning - 0,9
- Perspective - 0,8
- Coloring - 0,9
- Color Opposition - 0,7
- Color Gamma - 0,8
- Warcraft Style - 0,5
- Shape of Object(s) - 0,8
- Highlights and Shadows - 0,9
- Quality - 0,9
Idea - The idea isn't something that unique, I mean, we already have that spell from Warcraft anyways.
Positioning - The positioning of the three goblins is great, in all 3 corners and leaving the center for the most important object - the dynamite.
Perspective - The perspective is good, how the third goblin falls behind the other 2, etc. etc.
Coloring - Great coloring, nothing more to say about it
Color Opposition - Hmm.. even though the Red opposes the Green really cool, it's only in the left side of the icon.. and it makes it a bit heavier than the right side, which is mainly green and gray.
Color Gamma - under color gamma I mean something like little yellow in a green object, a little purple in red, etc. Something that gives it "life". Because if you leave an object just monocolored it stays ... blank. You always need some color varieties. And here it's good. Orange in the red hair, a little yellow in the green skin, etc.
Warcraft Style - In my opinion it isn't really Warcraft Stylish.. it's just too different from stuff like:
http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090111170121/wowwiki/images/1/10/BTN3M3.png ,
http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/_...iki/images/a/ab/BTNAdvancedCreatureAttack.png ,
http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090111222129/wowwiki/images/f/fe/BTNBookOfTheDead.png .
Shape of Objects - the faces are really good, especially the one behind. But the guy on the left is a bit weird.. with his red thingy under his nose which.. I don't really understand the shape of it, although I know it's a red bandana, it still doesn't look much like one. Just a blurry red spot.
Highlights and Shadows - Really good, what else can I say. You could, perhaps, make the edges and corners a little bit darker to focus more on the center of the icon but, as I said, it's good enough.
Quality - the quality of the icon is great. It's not blurry, except that red bandana I mentioned.
7,8 ÷
2 =
3,9 +
1 =
Rating by
0,15 from me
My personal opinion: I love this friggin great Goblin icon