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Another icon from me. bla bla bla bla bla...


BTNDagger (Icon)

17:26, 28th Sep 2010 enjoy: Useful.
To plain, add a BG

you don't need to add a BG to make it look more nice. you just need to focus complitely on the swords looking.
i got some things i could come up with.

- Well first of all - the handle... It looks a little unfinished.
- You might also turn it alittle and zoom... makes the sword fill out more of the back "nothing"... (care when you zoom - we have a very few icons that looks nice and have the hole sword on an icon.)
- Not as important - change the description... Make a joke or something - else the icon might not be as interresting.

Hope you can you my ideas - if you disagree with them then just forget them - they are just ideas and not requests
Level 16
Jun 17, 2008
I liked this icon enough to download it. But when compared in-game with the other blizzard icons, the icon looked kinda empty, eg a lot of black space. I don't mean that you should add a BG as I prefer it wihout, so how about one of these:

- front angle, larger blade tip
- back angle, larger hilt
- zoom in more to rid the empty spaces
Level 11
Jul 27, 2008
Try compearing it with "Iron forged swords" but still I'll try to think of something to make it less empty and btw its not a sword its a dagger.Here so you dont have to look for it:

And only reason dagger is shown whole is to demonstrate that its a dagger and not a sword I dunno how to zoom it while it looks like dagger.
Level 16
Jun 17, 2008
Good point about the zooming in which may make it look for sword than dagger. But hey, now I'm out of suggestions for you while the empty space remained to bug me some and a little :)

But I'm still find it nice in its current stage (plus I'm using it for my project), so 'could use a little more polish' is perhaps what I'm trying to put to you.