a salvaged icon from my other icon(which i deleted). it had CnP in it and as zombie2279 correctly said i cant have 2 CnP icons of one resource so i deleted it
i went back to the image and i deleted the CnP part. then i made this from the red outline it left.
doesnt really look naga anymore, more of a blood monster/demon
guess you could use it as bloodlust
btw. tell me if i cant use CnP for outlines. i dont know to what extent you could use CnP for icons
edited Tuesday 30
well. meant to be studying english but who really does there homework any. was gonna fix this as paladon said on friday but fixed it now. it resembles nothing like before. like Darkey suggested, it resembled a wildkin so i decided to hell with it and finally add the bottom beak
blood, naga, crazy, lust, frenzy, demon, fire