It doesn't matter that its a hero. The thing is that you can have only ONE unit with this ability (not MUI unfortunately). And now, there will be two triggers.
Trigger 1
Event - An Unit Starts The Effect of an Ability
Conditions - Ability Being Cast equal to BoneArmor
Actions - Set ArmorCast = (Triggering Unit)
- Enable Trigger 2
- Set Custom Value of (Triggering Unit) to x //Instead of x put the life of the armor
- Disable (Triggering Trigger) //This will prevent another unit to use the ability
Trigger 2 (initially disabled)
Event - ArmorCast is Damaged
And now to explain the Defense Phase (I'm too lazy to write it right now). The thing is to recover the percentage of the Damage Received. BUT at the same time, you must decrease the "life" of the armor through the custom value. Just be careful to assure that the percentage damage isn't more than the armor's life. If it is, just increase the life with the value equal to the custom value and set armor's value to 0.
At the end of the second trigger check if the life of the armor is equal to 0. If it is, remove the buff, deactive the (Triggering Trigger) and Reactivate the first trigger. Voila, this should kinda be all.