Lemme think of ways in which I've seen Basiliks portrayed
Many-legged lizard
Cockatrice (Basilisks and Cockatrice were originaly the same creature, they eventualy became two seperate ones for some reason)
None of them are wrong, none are right. Its just how the person who thinks them up portrays them.
For instance, in ToS, Basilisks are grey snakes with arms and rather large eyes. The upper half of their body is held up, like in a Naga or something, and their tail constantly rattles whenever they're not attacking. They have an attack that can turn you into stone as well
In DnD however, they're fearce 8-legged lizards with a lot of spines that turn things into stone with a magical blast or somesuch
In WoW, they're territorial 6-legged creatures with several crystals growing out of their body, they can also turn things into stone
So out of those three, the only simularity is that they're reptiles and they turn things into stone
And in my opinion, the large ammount of blue gives it an oceananic/cold look, which would be fine if it was a creature I'm gonna use for oceans or in cold places, but I'm going to use it for deserts, so it'll get a bit of orange on its body to help camofladge it. Corse I probably will use the skin this one has for a cold varity, the more creatures in the icefields the better