the model is fine for this, but you'll need to mdl edit the portrait if you want goggles, they look like a total heap of crap on there and people will laugh.
other then that, halo gets an official n00b stamp for actually ADVICING and ENCURAGING the use of filters. dont use them. they make wc3 skins look fake and not fit in with the rest. really halo, you deserve a slap for that.
for some proper comments, the skin really needs some proper shading in the right places, not scattered throughout the middles of the texure. also, its way too blue. in game it will look like a limping blue sludge. i know you've probubly tried to copy it from the MTG card as much as you could, but it still needs to look good no?
use some more veriaties of blue if you really want to stick with just blue. some patches opf really dark blue would do this good.