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Attaching Weapons To Models

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Level 9
May 22, 2009
OK, so I recently got the RPG hero a lot of people use to make ORPG's with and he has the animation as if hes holding a weapon but he isn't and I dont have TFT but I have WE Unlimited can someone tell me how to attach a weapon to him?
Level 4
Mar 28, 2009
what I did was in object editor you copy and paste sphere. rename it to whatever you want, delete the attachment points that say sprite, first sprite,second sprite,third and in target attachment point one type hand,right for right hand or hand,left for left hand. then you go down to target attachments (it will be set at 3) put this to 1. then change the art of Art- Target to whatever weapon you want. Then create a trigger that attaches the weapon to that unit. the trigger I used for my map was this...
  • Unit - A unit Sells a unit
  • (Unit-type of (Sold unit)) Equal to Test Hero
  • Unit - Add Dragon Sword to (Sold unit)
The first line of the trigger is event, the second is condition and the third is action. I dunno y the trigger tag i used didnt work lol. Of course you just modify the trigger i used for however your gointa use your unit in your map.
Level 5
May 2, 2009
There is a very easy way to do this and this is how i do..
Go to the object editor...go to abilities and then click on new ability then change the "Units" abilities to "Items" and take the Armor Bonus +1 since it is the easiest...when you have it change name to whatever weapon you wunt it to be named, then change the Item - Ability to False so that your units can use it then change Art - Target Attachment Point 1 to right and then hand in separate strings
this will place it in your right hand, you can also do the same thing as left and then hand
there are other string names but i forget what they are called you could just google it though, there is a whole list of them...
Level 5
May 2, 2009
oh yea you can do that too if you dont change the item ability to false and keep it as true, then it will act like an item

Attachments are really quite easy >.<
Level 4
Mar 28, 2009
ok i couldnt figure out how to make the trigger work with the spec effects to destroy the spec effect you want do make but I did figure out how to do it my way. If you do everything i told u to above (minus that old trigger I told you) , then create two triggers the first should say...

  • Unit - A unit Sells an item (from shop)
  • (Item-type of (Sold Item)) Equal to Searing Blade
  • Unit - Add Dragon Sword to (Buying Unit)
Then the second trigger I tested can be like this...
  • Unit - A unit Pawns and item (to shop)
  • ((Item-type of (Sold Item)) Equal to Searing Blade
  • Unit - Remove Dragon Sword from (Selling Unit)
I tested it on my map and it worked so you now can edit it to whatever u want to in order to suit your map. Oh and im not a newb anymore lol. Im like in the middle ground now.
Level 9
May 22, 2009
Unit - Unit Acquires an Item

Item Equal to Longsword

Special Effect - Add a Special Effect to (Triggering Unit) targeting right hand using model file (war3mapimported\longsword.mdx)

Thats in UMSWE 4.1 and WEU
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