artwork i recently uploaded

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Level 8
May 15, 2004
i rescenly uploaded some artworks i did awhile ago as a request from someone via e-mail asking, could u please do some more horror pics for loading screens please as they or really good, like the zombie loading screen you did.
so i got the picture used for the zombie loading screen and replaced the picture with different art pictures i made, zombies, werewolves, vampires, demons. too see an example of what the loading screen looks like click here ->

All u would do now is take the picture you like from the artsection that i have done and replace it over the zombie one for that loading screen and you then have a brand new picture on the loading screen. background can be applied but in most cases they dont because of the text that gets addad, u want to be able to see the text so black or white is used so u can see the text clearly. the loading screen used is the blood elf spellbreaker and the picture is used on the righthand side in the bottom. this might help explain alot to viewers of the artwork i've uploaded. wormskull is one person who has shown that he doesn't understand but i think alot of u know that already because hes said a ton of crap to everyone on this site about their works when hes shown nothing worth while or nothing at all. the pics or in artsection and they or there for bases only, if u want more addad, a background, more texture another picture..... u will then have to apply the changes yourself are you can ask me to do the changes (but only if its going to be used because it would require extra work) please leave comments about anything i've said on this topic.
Level 21
Feb 14, 2004

As much as I hate to admit this but I've deleted them all. They don't follow the rules and are no way related to wc3/blizzard. Perhaps you should upload them somewhere else because when I looked at the Art page today, I was surprised and the information for your artwork was just not good enough.
Unless in anyway you can get them closer to wc3 or blizzards' games, you may re-upload them.

I understand your efforts and they were very very good.
Level 8
May 15, 2004
they were going

they were going to be used on loading screens. i got e-mails from people asking me to make more pics for loading screen like the zombie loading screen i did on model section but because i dont want to do all those pics and put them on loading screens and upload them all in model section, the fan art section is the next best place, fast easy way for them to choose the ones they want. they were going to use zombie loading screens for the zombie maps and vampire pics for vampire maps, and so on and so on. the rest i uploaded so it gives them more choice when they come to select. i new they had nothing to do with blizzard but lets face it, as long as people make models that dont have anything to do with blizzard then everything else gets brought into aswell. if someone makes a hellboy map they dont use a green orc for the picture, they use the poster of hellboy or do a red skin on a orc and give him cut off horns and large hand. using other artwork on the theme of whats in warcraft such as demons, zombies and creatures of that kind, the vampire, werewolf, demon, zombie pics i made or related in a off topic refrence.
Level 8
May 15, 2004
there isn't really anywere else and because theres so many of them, sending them to the guy who asked for them by e-mail will only take more time, esp if he wanted something changed or he wanted some but not all. i dont have my own website and i dont have a homepage or a server to do these things.

so if you cant get permission to letme load them up just until i know hes got them i will delete them myself soon after. i delete my works every few days anyway to free up space.
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