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Art team colour for summons

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Level 3
Apr 22, 2013
I am trying to modifiy the art team color so the enemy can realise easier what type of units the red player/yellow player has summoned.

I am having problems with the feral spirits.When i modify their art custom team colour to blue when i add them as seperate units on the map for purple (for ex) they are blue when i use the abbility to summon them they just come out red (matching player) i have no ideea how to resolve this bug if anyone can help.
They are the right units to summon i have double chek that in my abbility.

I have thick the use art custom colour and i also made the option to use the art colour blue for my ice wolfs(feral spirits with theme of ice that i want them to be always on blue colour)but it just won't work and i need green ,blue ,yellow etc. to be summoned by the same hero on 1 single colour.

Thx appreciated.
Level 13
Jul 16, 2012
maybe your this


  • untitled.PNG
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Level 3
Apr 22, 2013
If you would've read the description GywGod you would've seen that i see the units added in different colour( i add purple units wolves and they appear blue altough are purples) but when i use the summon ferals it will just bring me red units(and they are the exact units that i added on the map manually just won't change the team colour)

@noob i need a trigger just to change colour i dont really need it to be rescued.
When units are created ingame they will always have the team color of the player creating them. Even if the color is set to something different in the object manager.

You could make up a color array:
Color_Array[1] = Blue
Color_Array[2] = Green
Color_Array[12] = Orange

When a unit summons the wolves you run a trigger that set the color of the wolves to Color_Array[Player number of (owner of summoning unit)]
Level 4
Jul 13, 2012
When units are created ingame they will always have the team color of the player creating them. Even if the color is set to something different in the object manager.

You could make up a color array:
Color_Array[1] = Blue
Color_Array[2] = Green
Color_Array[12] = Orange

When a unit summons the wolves you run a trigger that set the color of the wolves to Color_Array[Player number of (owner of summoning unit)]

Can you understand what he is trying to point out? Read again.

He wants to set the color of the wolves to blue FOR ALL PLAYERS, and you just posted some random suggestion.

And he is confusing, he pointed out that he wants to make opponent realize easier but he wants to set the color of the wolves to blue, and that makes confusion.
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
That object editor color setting only works for units which placed on map via editor(preplaced units).It doesn't work for units which created in game.
Level 3
Apr 22, 2013
I am sorry if i was confusing in any way but as Rarigate said yes i want the wolves to have the same colour regardless of players because it will be a hero fight.And that specific hero summons wolves(Like 4-5 types of them).

So it doesnt get really confusing for the enemy team (this is why i want to give the wolves an universal colour) : red -because that type of summoned wolves have relative hp big dmg
-blue because they have 1 dmg and slow your ass 24/7 but weak to spells
-green because they poison you for a lot but have low movement speed

I want the enemy to know when hes f*cked depending on what wolves did the enemy summon.

You trigger solu9 will change the colour of the wolves the colour array that i've set that being said if i set blue for teal and i summon wolves with teal they will be all blue but if i summon with other colour they will be other which sucks.Or this is what i get from the trigger.

Still waiting for some more suggestions on how to make the colour stay indefenitly.
Level 3
Apr 22, 2013
Is there a trigger for that solu?I am not realy that good in triggering ,yes i know how to do alot of stuffs but i still miss like 75% of what i can do with it.
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