I tried Carrion Swarm, It worked fine, I just needed to change the art, and Now I need to tweak it a little, figure out good damage.
There was another part that I thought of when I was thinking of this spell, but i can't figure out how to add it. What I was thinking of was a Black Arrow that goes through multiple units. (It will only have the Black arrow part at level 3. But the summoned unit thing doesnt show up under the object editor for my custom spell. I want to, somehow make all the units that die from it at level 3 turn into Dark Minions. Any ideas?
EDIT: It's not really a neccessity, but is it possible to make it so it doesnt stop at the targeted unit? Because I just realized if you target the first one in the row it stops there...Its not that big of a deal, I could just change the description to Something Like "Attacks target unit, damaging everything in its path"... thanks