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Are there aby special programs u use to make?

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Level 14
Sep 29, 2003
If you are making a maul from scratch you have a long, hard, time ahead of you, it is very difficult to do everything from nothing. If this is your first time creating it I recomend going into an existing map and looking around in there, or copying some of the info over to your existing one. One common thing a lot of people do (and they do not ever say it but it is obvious if you look at it properly in the editor) is they simply alter existing ones, most commonly Wintermaul. I would estimate at least 90% of the existing mauls come from that, with minor changes of course. Heck, even I have taken some of the info from it, such as the leaderboard and most of the map initilization, but my map is very different and more than 95% is from me :p

In short, what I am getting at, is be sure you know what you are getting into, it takes a long time to make a map from scratch (my first map took me about 3 months) and perhaps longer to balance it out.
Level 14
Sep 29, 2003
Aye, took me nearly 3 months to make my Elemental Defence map, and I am still in need of balancing out basically all of it. I am getting some help from Shvegait (the burbenog and mindblaster creator) to do so, I will let you know when it is finally playable.
Level 6
Jan 19, 2005
hmm... i cant create a maul, i only edit some maps from the B.Net for LAN-gaming or for less people... i did stop to make this cause in the B.Net u find enough maps for playing, especially Warhammer TD :) but u are real pros...
Level 14
Sep 29, 2003
Well except for that one version Ralle made where we all sucked cuz of the pathing and then a server split. That was funny.

It is very possible and relatively easy to create a TD from scratch depending upon your experiance and willigness to get aide when needed.
Level 6
Jan 19, 2005
when i find some time, maybe i start to create a TD. then im going to ask u for help :) but now it is impossible. i do in april my exam, so no time for projects like that...
Level 14
Sep 29, 2003
My suggestion then is to just create the terrain now. Trust me, you will appreciate anytime you spend on it. I, for instance, have a very..... unique..... terrain to it. My TD is not flat and boring with huge wide open spaces, everything in it is very different.

Terrain is one of those things that is easy to fool around with to get a desired result, also you can spend a lot of time on it and it really shows off. Best thing about while you make the terrain is that, for the most part, it is easy to come to a 'stopping place' in it. As I am sure Ralle can back me up on this (and other maps makers), this does not hold true for triggers. I will put it this way: Shvegait (burbenog and mindblaster creator) and I have spent many, many, many nights until 5am trying to debug a single tirgger for our respective maps(did I meantion many?). It is NOT easy and it is very difficult and usually it is something that most players might think of as minor but actually has a large impact on the game.

As for helping you, I would gladly assist you if my schedule permits it.
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