ArcAngel.(Mike) Introduction

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Level 1
Jul 24, 2009
Hey all hows it going?!
Super excited to be here and learn and hopefully help out and teach where ever I can! Im 20 yrs old in college going into game design at the school of ubisoft in a 2 years after i finish up in my computer program right now :) I love programming and my favorite languages are C++ and python... I've been trying to make a game for Wc3 but its alot harder then I expected but im sure now that Im in the right place Ill be getting enough help to make the game twice =P

Anyways Im a musician (drums and guitar) and im pretty open and honest to everyone... Lemme know if you wana chat cause I give great advice in anythying that I do and am looking forward to chilling with the community :)

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