Applying Skins

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Level 1
Feb 12, 2004
Im sure that this question has been asked many many times in the past, but how do I apply skins and icons and etc that I have downloaded...
Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
It's very simple. Just import the file and change right click on it, click Modify File Properties, change the file path to what its supposed to be (eg. Textures\HeroDemonHunter.blp).

EDIT: You have to restart the Editor to see the skin on the unit.
Level 2
Feb 20, 2004
The hell?

what kind of stupid assed explanation is THAT?

How the hell do we find out the paths for the textures?

I want teh NerzuhlArthas skin to be on the Arthas Wielding Frostmourne model for my campaign...

Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
The hell?

what kind of stupid assed explanation is THAT?

Maybe you could ask nicely I'm only trying to help.

Usually the file path is included in a readme file or, on this site, on the screen with the link to download it. If it isn't included then you have to get Warcraft 3 Viewer or Wc3 Image Extractor and find the file path of the original skin, or you can use WinMPQ to find the path, although thats much more annoying.

@PyRoBoArDer_5: I don't know about any programs for importing files, but if that program doesn't work you have to do it manually, just refer back to my first post.

EDIT: Sorry PyRoBoArDer_5, I didn't read your post properly. To import a file go into the World Editor, click Import Manager (the arrow going into a piece of paper icon on the toolbar) and click Import File. Then refer back to my original post for the next step.
Level 2
Mar 11, 2004
ok so dont need a program to imort skins? brilliant! lol tanks oz.tho what abotu converting it to what i want liek file type casue arent teh in lim targa or what ever...are the ones on the site in the format i need?
Level 2
Mar 11, 2004
ok nonw of the read me files on this website work..wen ever i open them this is what they say

Das ist ein test textfile

Gruss Christoph

dont know what i means but thats what it says and i dont know where to look i have the thing the warcraft 3 image extractor does that work? if so where do i look?
Level 2
Apr 12, 2004
hey i have a similar question to all of this while we are on the subject. I get how to import skins, but the problem is I dont get how to do models and stuff. I guess one thing I could say to give u an example of what im talking about, is im trying to get the goblin tinker thing to work. I know how to import the stuff from the download itself, however, i have no idea what paths to change the stuff to to get all the skins and models to work.
Level 3
Apr 10, 2004
im reposting a new question. how do iapply the skins? i have the right path with the imported files, but when i go under art - model, it only lets me put mdx files.
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