In your picture "A night" , I suggest that to make it better , Before you take a photo , kindly press "V" to avoid showing pink checkered box . And your terrain "the forest" , Im telling to you that this terrain is dirty for me, The fog doesn't fit to the texture . You trees are not fitted. . . The floating Island is awesome . The beach is not realistic , I suggest that add more doodads its looks like a empty desert . the fire terrain is very dirty , You put many fire that not fitted to each other , I suggest that put some fog effects . In Storm season , it looks unrealistic because no trees that grows in the rock . . .And the Aftermath terrain , You spam ugly rocks ! , dont do that again , it makes your terrain dirty . . Mix that rocks with sunkenrocks to looks like realistic .. . . And thats all . . . Improve your terrain by adding some fog effects , Dont make your terrain dirty , I suggest that you may import some high quality model to looks much better.