Team Color Question
Not sure if anyones posted this before so, sorry if this is a repost. I have a model with a kickass skin, the problem is I wanna have the armor for the hero in different colors. But, the only way I've been able to do that is by making a copy of the model and recoloring every bit of armor for the copied skin. I was told once that its impossible to take the armor and just team color it all so I wont need to use copies of the model to have various colored armors and thus take up alot of valuable map space. Anyone know if this can be done and maybe someone who'd be willing to do it?
Not sure if anyones posted this before so, sorry if this is a repost. I have a model with a kickass skin, the problem is I wanna have the armor for the hero in different colors. But, the only way I've been able to do that is by making a copy of the model and recoloring every bit of armor for the copied skin. I was told once that its impossible to take the armor and just team color it all so I wont need to use copies of the model to have various colored armors and thus take up alot of valuable map space. Anyone know if this can be done and maybe someone who'd be willing to do it?