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All hard trigger

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Level 3
Aug 29, 2005
Ok can some body help me, coz i really got alot of request,

Request1: I need to make a leaderboard that just like dota, for example: display to all player a leaderboard with player1 to 12 die how many times, kills how many times and when they respawn back.

Request2: How to make a hero respawn with his standard lv, for example: lv1hero die revive in 10 secs, lv2hero revive in 12secs and lv13hero revive in 14secs.

Request3: i have done my battle arena but it's like(when 30min after move all unit to region, and when battle start 1min move back to region.) what i wanted is, when all defeat hero(the team that has no hero left in the arena) die move all victory(hero that win the battle) to the place that they come be4 the arena start.

Request4: using a trigger to make a ability, ability wanted, lv1 dealing 400 damage to target area, lv2 dealing 450 damage to target area, dealing 500 damage to target area and slowing enemy with poison.

This all the problem i'm facing now, so if u guyz know how to do it, teach me in this for format.



Level 6
Sep 17, 2005
to request 1)

dude i hope you have browsed the tutorials section. im sure there is a tutorial for that well-known issue... the one who made the tutorial spent much time... time i dont have. honor his work and dont be lazy  :wink: 

to request 2)

hm.. if i had WE at the moment im sure i could help you but i havent....  :? try somethin like that:

<<var needed you can work with: RespawnTime[] as an integer and array with size of max players possible>>

 -unit-a unit dies
 -dying unit is a hero equal to true
   -if level of hero greater than (min level of that respawn time) (integer comp)
   -and level of hero less than (max level for that respawn time)

   -then set RespawnTime(playernumber of owner of dying unit) to xx.xx


   -if level.... (like above)

to request 3)

<<you have to make a variable unitgroup like ActiveUnits>>


-every 5 sec of game
-units in ActiveUnits equal to 0 (integer comp)
-move units.... etc (what u want to do then

to request 4)

why not using a custom spell??
Level 3
Aug 29, 2005
Hey i got a old request that no ppl helped me be4, is like a dash ability, for example: whenever a unit cast shockwave dash casting unit from casting point to target point of ability being cast. I posted here for this request once, but there are 1 guyz suggesting me better use a blink effect, but i'm making a anime map so that ability must put in, so u know how to do it?
Level 6
Sep 17, 2005
ok if you want it so, you need a trigger... should be a quite simple one... kinda that:
generic unit event -  a unit casts shockwave

ability comparison - ability being cast equal to shockwave

unit - move (casting unit) to target point of ability being cast

EDITED: maybe you have to use some wait-commands in your actions so you can make it look better...

or if you have WEU you can use the advanced function make unit slide (but i think this would be much more complicated...). If you use the function above, you have to accept that the unit is kinda "beamed" to your target point. if you dont want it so i think you HAVE to install WEU-editor. :?
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