You can also use JASS functions to be sure you order order (it sounds stupid, i know
) using right order string:
For "Issue order targeting a unit":
Use "Custom Script" action and type "call IssueTargetOrderBJ( udg_x, "z", udg_y )" as custom script, where x is ordered unit and y is target of an order, and z is an order string.
For "Issue order targeting a point":
As above, but type "call IssuePointOrderLocBJ( udg_x, "z", GetRectCenter(gg_rct_y) )", where x is ordered unit, y is a region (GetRectCenter -> Center of region()), and z is an order string.
For "Issue order with no target":
As above, but type "call IssueImmediateOrderBJ( udg_x, "z" )", where x is ordered unit and z is an order string.
But if you are, as I see, beginning triggerer, you should not use JASS for this moment.
If you want to use multicolumn table, you must use multiboard. It is very similar to trigger to leaderboard, but of course there are some differences.
First of all, you must know how many rows and cols you want to have in your board. If you know this, use "Multiboard - Create a multiboard with x columns and y rows, titled z". z is a title of your board (it is on the top of the multiboard), just type there "Player Stats" or sth else.
Then, you should assign it to a variable. Use "Set Variable" action (it should look like: Set x = (Last created multiboard)), but first you must create new variable of type multiboard.
Now some explains of multiboard functions:
To change or set text of a cell, use "Set text for m item in column x, row y to z".
To set the width of a cell, use "Set the width for m item in coulmn x, row y to z% of total screen width". z is an real-type variable.
To show/hide text or icon for item, use "Set display style for m item in column x, row y to Show/Hide text and Show/Hide icons".
To chcange color and transparency, use "Set the color for m item in coumn x, row y to (r%, g%, b%) with z% transparency". r, g, b, and z are real-type variables. r = red, g = green, b = blue.
If you want to set icons for items, use "Set the icon for m item in column x, roz y to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\z.blp". z is an icon.
To show/hide your board in game, use "Multiboard - Show/Hide" action.
To maximize/minimize it, use "Multiboard - Minimize/Maximize.
If you want to show integer values in board cells (number of kills - stored in integer), you must use conversion action (Conversion - Convert Integer To String): "Multiboard - Set the text for m item in column x, row y to (String(iPlayer1Kills))".
In all above examples m is your multiboard.
I hope i helped you.
PS Oh, I forgot about Integer A/Integer B you asked.
Well, if you use "For" loop in your trigger, in most cases you need these vars to know which repeat of loop it is. I'll explain it using example:
We have, e.g., unit-type array. You want to assign to all items of this array the same unit type. You just need to create "For each integer A do multiple actions" action: For each integer from 1 to 10 do (Actions), and to "Loop - actions" section add action "Set iUnitTypeArray[(Integer A)] = Footman". (Integer A) var shows which repeat loop is doing.
I'm not sure i explained it, but i tried