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Adding missile model to a hero

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Level 2
Jun 4, 2011
Hi, I need some helo, I downloaded a missile model for the SpaceOrcShocktrooper but I dont know how to add it to that unit. Could someone explain me how I can do that, or post a link to a tutorial or something? Sorry for my english.
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
Its a fairly simple task, but its hard to spot where to do it if your a first time user.

Go into the unit’s data in the object editor, go to your Shocktrooper and scroll down to to Combat - Attack 1 - Projectile Art. Double click this and in the window that opens select import, and then find your Shocktrooper Missile.

Say okay and your Shocker Trooper ill now use that missile. Its impossible to test within the editor but you can see it in game.

But since its an imported missile make sure you import it to the proper path, its usually just its own name minus the /war3imported.

I hope this helps.


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